Team-based games
Team Architect
Team Architect is a fantastic team-building activity where you get each team to build something with very little amounts...
Remember Me?
Get your two teams to mingle together for a couple of minutes, and introduce themselves to each other. The...
Ultimate Icebreaker
This game is the ultimate icebreaker. Needs a bit a prep before hand - fill up some trays with...
French Vs English
First off I wanted to say that this is probably one of my all time favourite youth group games....
This icebreaker youth group game is a cross between pictionary, sculptionary and charades. Firstly come up with a list...
Quick Switch Chasey
Usually played in a hall, this game requires 2 even teams. 1 team kneels down in a line through the middle...
Cups and Downs
This game is best played with a small group. Place 20 or more cups in the middle of the room,...
Tea Towel Face Off
Both teams line up sitting down facing away from each other. Everyone holds hands. At one end, the 2 players...
Volleyball with Human Net
Play this game with the same rules as volleyball except with 3 teams. Have 2 teams play against one another while...
This is a really great running wide game - good for burning off a lot of energy. However, it's...
Biblical Detectives
This kind of thing can be really fun if it is done properly and works out well. Basically the...
Bucket Balance
Get 4 kids to lie down on their backs in a small circle with their legs sticking up in the...
Crab Balloon Soccer
Everyone gets in the crab position. Two chairs at either end of the hall with a person standing up...
Newspaper War
Collect a ton of scrap paper (in most churches, just place a box next to the copier for 3 or 4...
Three Ball Soccer
This is soccer. Soccer with not just one ball, not just two balls, but three balls! You'll need three...
Fresh is a classic youth group running and strategy game. It's good for those kids who like to show...
Pea Pipes
Simple relay structure for this game. 4 teams line up at one end. Place a bowl of peas (or whatever...
Caterpillar Race
Divide your youth group kids into some groups, 4 works well as a relay. Just make sure the groups aren't...
Set up your hall like a foosball table: With chairs as the black and white team. The 'black' chairs...
Fishing for Marbles
Divide the youth into 2 or more teams. Place the bucket in the middle of the room, then put the...
Four on the Couch
Object: To have only your gender sitting on the couch. Set-Up: If you don't have a couch large enough...
Fruit Juice Face-off
Each team must line up behind an empty bowl. At the other end there must be a bucket of...
Giant Bowling
This is a simple game, but can be great fun for a mini-olympics style event. Basically, set up a...
Rock Paper Scissors
In the middle of the playing field set up 2 long lines with a bout 1 - 2 metres to divide them....
There is many different ways to play this game - I think the key ingredients are using a decent...
Cheeseball Chuck-up
Divide your group into 4 teams. Select 1 player from each team to be the "target". Get a few teammates to...
Water Bomber
This is a classic battle game which is easy to set up. Purchase a fair few water bombs and...
Using gellatine, make a slab of jelly in an ice-cream container (you have to increase the consistency to enable...
Mr Whippy
Divide everyone into teams. Select one player from each team to lay down with a cone in their mouth....
Russian Kickball
A fun twist on traditional kickball: Divide youth into two co-ed teams. Youth leader is "all-time pitcher." Played just...
Spit in the Bucket
This game can get kind of gross, if people are squeamish about saliva. Set up two buckets on chairs...
Sponge Ball Skirmish
2 teams, each team sets up a base on either side of the hall/playing area with limited about of...
Nose Knockers
This is pretty much just a relay with a twist! Poke two holes opposite one another at the top...
Alka Seltzer Waterfight
A simple water fight game which is fantastic for cooling down on hot summer days. Preparation 1. Get a large...
Create A Commercial
This game can either be done using a video camera and a TV, or just acted out on the...
Gum Boot Goop
Each team of four has a pair of boots. For each round, they nominate a player to answer a...
The Name Game
This is a great get-to-know you style icebreaker. To start off, maybe get the group to stand in a...
Memory Verse Basketball
Divide the group into two teams. Print out a memory verse and cut it up so there is one...
Coal Mine Relay
This is a basic relay race using wheel barrows. You'll need at least two teams, each team needing 1 wheelbarrow....
Egg and Custard Game
This is a wide game that we play across the grounds of a school, best done at night time....
Moo Cow Mines
Set up "cow pats" along a track about 50m long. "Cow pats" consist of paper plates with either jelly...
Pillow Basketball
Split your group into teams A and B. With each team having an equal amount of girls and guys....
Swamp Crossing
Divide group into two teams. Give each team 3 "rocks" (construction paper cutouts about 1 1/2' x 1 1/2'). Make a start...
Water Balloon Soccer
Divide your youth group into 3 teams. Layout a small-sized soccer pitch using cones on a grassy area. 2 of the...
Pass the Lifesaver
Give one life saver to each team. Each member of the team has a toothpick which they keep pursed...
Tic Tac Toe
Set up 9 chairs like a noughts and crosses board. Form two teams and direct questions to alternate teams. If...
Marshmallow Dodgeball
Marshmallow dodgeball is a variant of the dodgeball rules. It's best if the kids wear dark coloured clothing. When...