Relaxed games for large groups
Secret Identity
Have everyone secretly write down the name of a person on a small piece of paper or a "post-it"...
Name Bingo
This is probably one of the oldest and most well known icebreakers. It's also known as "People Bingo" and...
Shoe Talk
Often at the start of a youth camp or youth group year there are many people who don't know...
Blow Wind Blow
For this icebreaker game you'll need to set up your chairs in a circle facing inwards. Make sure there...
Slap Wrestling
Two people stand facing each other with about a shoulder's span between them and thier feet together. They must...
This icebreaker youth group game is a cross between pictionary, sculptionary and charades. Firstly come up with a list...
Speed Dating With a Twist
Set up the chairs in two circles, a small circle and a larger circle outside of that. Make sure...
Wizard in the Dark
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Murder in the Dark" This game is very simple. Perfect for...
Celebrity Head Mania
Grab a whole bunch of sticky labels or masking tape and write the names of celebrities on the non-sticky...
Shoe Shuffle
Get the group to take off their right shoe. Then throw all the shoes in a big pile in...
The Tangled Chain
Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...
Icebreaker Questions
A great way to help people open up to each other is to ask them fun questions that allow...
Bible Drill
When youth leader says "draw weapons", each person sits on a pew or chair with their Bible held up...
In The Tomb, Out of the Tomb
Draw a long line using yarn or masking tape. Have the children line up in a straight line facing...
Musical Boys and Girls
Divide the group up into girls and boys, but try to make sure that there is an even amount...
Man Diddy Watcher
I remember playing this game way back in primary school days. Awesome fun. It's similar to "Doggy doggy who's...
Bible Quiz
A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be...
Create A Commercial
This game can either be done using a video camera and a TV, or just acted out on the...
Mingle Mingle Mingle
This is a good youth group game to get kids mingling together and to help kids to get to...
If I Went to Mars...
Group is seated in circle. First person begins, 'My name is ... If I went to Mars, I would take....
Blind Man's Journey
Sometimes i just can't work out why kids like some games, but my younger group LOVES this game. Blindfold...
Heads or Tails?
A good game for revising what has been learnt. Similar to heads or tails, person up the front asks...
The classic game of Mastermind works well when solved as a whole group. The whole group must work together...
Musical Chairs
A timeless classic kids party game! Set up some chairs in a circle (always make sure there is 1 less...
Steal The Keys
Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...
Donkey Game
Everyone circles up, and two people start with a ball each. One ball is to be passed around the...
Celebrity Articulate
If you've ever played the famous board game "Articulate" then you'll love this game. It usually is easier to...
Alphabet Concentration
This can be played in a pair, a small group or a larger crowd - but the more people...
This game is called "Creationary" and works in a similar way to pictionary and sculptionary. You'll need a random...
Simple Word Games
There are many simple word games you can find at the website listed. Some of them can be played...
Cryptograms are great fun to use on scavenger hunts, treasure hunts and in simulation games. They can also be...
The Ultimate Quiz
Divide the group into teams of between 5 and ten people (If you are running a camp with small groups,...
Find a Wordle
"A different type of find a word" This website allows you to generate cool 'wordles'. They are like a...
A classic and fun party game for all ages! 1. Get players to sit in a circle facing inwards. 2. Pick...
Snowball Fight
This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...
Giver Or Taker
Everyone sits in a circle like playing "duck, duck, goose!" the leader reads a story. Through out the story...
Paper Telephone
Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...
Human What's Missing?
This is a great game for learning names and getting used to each other. It's based on the whats...
Bippity Bop-Bop
1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...
App Snap
1. Make sure everyone in the group knows each others phone numbers, or at least has a group chat set...
Now That's What I Call Latin
This can be done with team Vs. Team, or everyone Vs. everyone. Go to google translate, and translate any...