Outdoor games for small groups
Two Truths And A Tale
For this great get to know you game, each person must make three statements about themselves, one of which...
Ultimate Icebreaker
This game is the ultimate icebreaker. Needs a bit a prep before hand - fill up some trays with...
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
Swing The Cat
I have nooooo idea why, but our youth group loved this game. Basically, it involves a designated person standing...
The Tangled Chain
Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...
Sock Wrestling
Everyone is to have socks on and no shoes. They are to stand inside a designated area, and when...
Mix & Mingle
This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amoungst a big...
True or False?
A great way to reinforce what has just been taught... Instead of the traditional pop-quiz to see how much...
Bible Quiz
A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be...
I Tell A Lie
The object of this small group ice breaker game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group...
The Laughing Game
The objective of this game is to get everyone to laugh while you can not laugh yourself. Have everyone...
Divide your group into 2 teams. Each person writes the name of a well known person they would like to...
Steal The Keys
Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...
Description: An icebreaker for a small group that gets everyone involved with the coordination of hands, voice and pace....
Table Topics
This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...
Alphabet Concentration
This can be played in a pair, a small group or a larger crowd - but the more people...
Ultimate Ninja
The group stands in a circle and nominates someone to start. 3 - 2 - 1 ULTIMATE NINJA! Everyone has to start...
Matchstick Truth or Lie
Before playing, designate two actions for 'true' and 'false' (such as hands on heads or hands behind back) and...
Skit Night
We came up with this at our first lock-in 3 years ago and it is one of our most requested...
Helium Stick
You can do this team building activity with a single group (maybe as an team growth activity for your...
Going Up or Going Down?
You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...
Remember Everything
This get to know you game is best played in a smaller group of around 10 or so people. If...
Snowball Fight
This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...
Straws and Rubberbands
1) Each person gets a straw 2) The straw must be held using their mouth 3) They have to pass the rubberband...
Revolving Dodgeball
1. Divide the playing area into a circle of 4 equal triangles (An AWANA circle layout to divide the gym into 4...
Aardvark Race
Set the game up by having two lots of two bowls facing each other. One on one side of...
Paper Telephone
Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...
Wiz Bang Bounce
Its as if you have an invisible ball you are passing around the circle. there are a few different...
Packing Peanut Tower
Don’t throw away those packing peanuts from all those online packages you’ve had delivered recently – they’ll...
Ice Cream Snowmen
In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...
Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...
Orky? Snorky!
A group of players sit in circle. One person is placed standing in the middle of the circle and...
Stretchy Snakes
Each person is given a lolly snake. They have a time limit to make the longest snake by stretching...
Chinese Dodgeball
This is a game that you will want to play in an open area such as outside or in...
Hand Tennis
Hand Tennis, short for "Hantis" can involve any number of players. Four tables are set up in a 2x2...
Doggy Doggy Who's Got Your Bone?
This is a classic kids party game and is great fun especially for a group of junior youth kids....
Who Are You?
Each person gets a piece of paper and a pen. They need to write down their name and three...
Pass the Parcel
Pass the Parcel is a classic kid's party game and can be played on many different occasions - at...
Tangle (Royal Rangers Romania)
Break the group into 2 teams of 3 players. The players of each team will be tied up together by their...
Pass the Potato
Overview: This game combines "hot potato" with elements of tag. It can get very competitive with more people. Where...
Food Basket
1) Set up the chairs in a large circle facing the middle. There should be one chair less than the...
Lifesavers Relay
1) At youth group, break everyone into three teams. If you are at a camp and have a group system,...
Answer Race
1. Prepare four sheets of questions. Each sheet represents one suit (diamond, hearts, clubs, spades). On each sheet write a...
Bippity Bop-Bop
1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...
Giant Dutch Blitz
1. Each team puts 8 cards in a discard pile with the top card facing up. 2. That leaves 12 cards “in handâ€...
Action Netball
You get 2 chairs sitting on the opposite ends of the playing area. Then you separate your group into 2 teams....
Category Chaos
This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...
Make A Volcano: Chemistry
In a tall jug (clear is best) put in 100ml of vinegar and drop in a TBSN of baking...
Simon Says
Simon Says is a kids game usually played with three or more people. One person is nominated to be...