Outdoor games for small groups

Page 1 of 2 (98 games found)

Two Truths And A Tale

For this great get to know you game, each person must make three statements about themselves, one of which...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed circle no-prep video-call non-contact play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost hot-topic

Ultimate Icebreaker

This game is the ultimate icebreaker. Needs a bit a prep before hand - fill up some trays with...

water team-building small-groups icebreakers outdoors multiple-teams standard extreme-mess under-20-dollars hot-topic


Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...

team-building small-groups simulation icebreakers relaxed circle no-prep video-call non-contact play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost

Swing The Cat

I have nooooo idea why, but our youth group loved this game. Basically, it involves a designated person standing...

small-groups active play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess under-20-dollars

The Tangled Chain

Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...

team-building small-groups junior icebreakers relaxed large-groups no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost hot-topic

Sock Wrestling

Everyone is to have socks on and no shoes. They are to stand inside a designated area, and when...

small-groups mini-olympics duel active play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Mix & Mingle

This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amoungst a big...

small-groups icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

True or False?

A great way to reinforce what has just been taught... Instead of the traditional pop-quiz to see how much...

small-groups junior relaxed video-call non-contact play-anywhere cooperative quick some-mess no-cost

Bible Quiz

A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be...

relaxed memory small-groups large-groups video-call play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

I Tell A Lie

The object of this small group ice breaker game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed no-prep video-call play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

The Laughing Game

The objective of this game is to get everyone to laugh while you can not laugh yourself. Have everyone...

small-groups drama relaxed no-prep video-call play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost hot-topic


Divide your group into 2 teams. Each person writes the name of a well known person they would like to...

team-building small-groups memory icebreakers duel relaxed camp play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Steal The Keys

Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...

small-groups junior relaxed active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost


Description: An icebreaker for a small group that gets everyone involved with the coordination of hands, voice and pace....

small-groups icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Table Topics

This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...

small-groups junior icebreakers relaxed non-contact play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess over-20-dollars

Alphabet Concentration

This can be played in a pair, a small group or a larger crowd - but the more people...

junior drama relaxed small-groups large-groups no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Ultimate Ninja

The group stands in a circle and nominates someone to start. 3 - 2 - 1 ULTIMATE NINJA! Everyone has to start...

small-groups icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Matchstick Truth or Lie

Before playing, designate two actions for 'true' and 'false' (such as hands on heads or hands behind back) and...

small-groups junior icebreakers relaxed circle play-anywhere cooperative standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Skit Night

We came up with this at our first lock-in 3 years ago and it is one of our most requested...

team-building small-groups icebreakers camp artistic active night play-anywhere multiple-teams long some-mess no-cost

Helium Stick

You can do this team building activity with a single group (maybe as an team growth activity for your...

team-building small-groups icebreakers play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Going Up or Going Down?

You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...

team-building small-groups icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Remember Everything

This get to know you game is best played in a smaller group of around 10 or so people. If...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Snowball Fight

This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Straws and Rubberbands

1) Each person gets a straw 2) The straw must be held using their mouth 3) They have to pass the rubberband...

team-building small-groups icebreakers play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Revolving Dodgeball

1. Divide the playing area into a circle of 4 equal triangles (An AWANA circle layout to divide the gym into 4...

small-groups active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Aardvark Race

Set the game up by having two lots of two bowls facing each other. One on one side of...

team-building small-groups mini-olympics active play-anywhere cooperative standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Paper Telephone

Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed artistic large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

Wiz Bang Bounce

Its as if you have an invisible ball you are passing around the circle. there are a few different...

small-groups music memory drama relaxed play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Packing Peanut Tower

Don’t throw away those packing peanuts from all those online packages you’ve had delivered recently – they’ll...

team-building large-groups small-groups artistic play-anywhere cooperative quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Ice Cream Snowmen

In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...

small-groups food junior duel artistic large-groups outdoors multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Spaghetti and Marshmallows

Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...

team-building small-groups icebreakers artistic large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Orky? Snorky!

A group of players sit in circle. One person is placed standing in the middle of the circle and...

small-groups icebreakers active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost

Stretchy Snakes

Each person is given a lolly snake. They have a time limit to make the longest snake by stretching...

small-groups food junior relaxed video-call play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Chinese Dodgeball

This is a game that you will want to play in an open area such as outside or in...

wide sports small-groups large-groups active play-anywhere up-front-duel standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Hand Tennis

Hand Tennis, short for "Hantis" can involve any number of players. Four tables are set up in a 2x2...

sports small-groups active play-anywhere up-front-duel long no-mess no-cost

Doggy Doggy Who's Got Your Bone?

This is a classic kids party game and is great fun especially for a group of junior youth kids....

small-groups junior relaxed play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Who Are You?

Each person gets a piece of paper and a pen. They need to write down their name and three...

small-groups icebreakers play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

Pass the Parcel

Pass the Parcel is a classic kid's party game and can be played on many different occasions - at...

relaxed circle junior small-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Tangle (Royal Rangers Romania)

Break the group into 2 teams of 3 players. The players of each team will be tied up together by their...

team-building small-groups duel camp active outdoors multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost

Pass the Potato

Overview: This game combines "hot potato" with elements of tag. It can get very competitive with more people. Where...

active camp duel junior large-groups small-groups outdoors all-on-all standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Food Basket

1) Set up the chairs in a large circle facing the middle. There should be one chair less than the...

small-groups memory circle active play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Lifesavers Relay

1) At youth group, break everyone into three teams. If you are at a camp and have a group system,...

active camp duel large-groups food small-groups team-building outdoors multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Answer Race

1. Prepare four sheets of questions. Each sheet represents one suit (diamond, hearts, clubs, spades). On each sheet write a...

active junior large-groups small-groups play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

Bippity Bop-Bop

1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...

relaxed circle junior large-groups small-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Giant Dutch Blitz

1. Each team puts 8 cards in a discard pile with the top card facing up. 2. That leaves 12 cards “in hand”...

active camp large-groups small-groups team-building outdoors multiple-teams long no-mess no-cost

Action Netball

You get 2 chairs sitting on the opposite ends of the playing area. Then you separate your group into 2 teams....

wide team-building sports small-groups large-groups junior duel camp active outdoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost


I made this game up as a child with my friends but played it with a tennis ball and...

active camp junior large-groups small-groups sports wide outdoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Category Chaos

This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...

no-prep small-groups relaxed icebreakers team-building video-call non-contact play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Make A Volcano: Chemistry

In a tall jug (clear is best) put in 100ml of vinegar and drop in a TBSN of baking...

water team-building small-groups simulation large-groups outdoors all-on-all quick some-mess no-cost

Simon Says

Simon Says is a kids game usually played with three or more people. One person is nominated to be...

small-groups active junior no-prep video-call non-contact play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

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