Volleyball with Human Net

An active camp sports game

How To Play Volleyball with Human Net

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Play this game with the same rules as volleyball except with 3 teams. Have 2 teams play against one another while the third team acts as the net. The "net" team can play a big part in this game as they give a good twist to an old game. The "net" can take one step in any direction (only one step) to hit the ball. The "net" can change direction of play at any time.

I was searching for something to do during a camping retreat and made this up just as a hope to keep everybody active. It turned out to be the funniest game we played.

Added by
on 1 January 2007


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I might be able to use this game in my birthday party !

Posted by Cherry 6 years ago

This will be a great game with our Special Needs group. You could play so that it is boys against the girls, and the leaders make up the net... Just mix it up and have fun!

Posted by Rogmo 6 years ago

This sounds like a great game for our youth group! But I don't understand the rules concerning the net team.

Posted by Tim 7 years ago

I'm going to do this but edit it a little bit because we won't have enough time to do tournament style. There are three teams, two playing volleyball traditionally, and the third team is the net. They'll have a space marked out on the floor that they can't leave. If one of the two outside teams scores, they get a point. The net team can score points by catching the ball, but if they step outside their area, they lose points. The same goes if someone on the other teams step into the net teams area--they lose a point, too. So the biggest goal of the volleyball teams is to make sure they hit it far enough but still in play.

Posted by Brad 7 years ago

Sounds great!!! Can't wait for my girls to try it!

Posted by Samantha 12 years ago

We're going to play this game this weekend. Has anyone played it that has ideas of whether the net team earns points? Do you do it tournament style?

Posted by Danni 12 years ago

this is a great idea! i would rather take off the volley net in my back yard and play this any day.

Posted by 13 years ago

awesome!! we love playing it!!

Posted by shardae 13 years ago

Hi Cinta, Let me know how it goes. It would be great to hear how well it works.

Posted by Shorty 13 years ago

awesome!! gonna be using this tomorrow night :D

Posted by cinta 13 years ago

We're going to give this a go at our meeting tomorrow. Our youth group really likes volleyball games. Thanks!

Posted by Robin 13 years ago

Sounds like a fun game we will be trying it tonight. Thank you so much.

Posted by Jen 14 years ago

Don't give him rubbish for submitting a good game. Use your imagination and figure it out yourself!
Games sounds great!

Posted by - 14 years ago

I would guess you would do this tournament style so each team has a chance to play and be the net.

Posted by angela 14 years ago

Great game Shorty. This is a definite for our next outdoor games night.

Posted by Gerhard 14 years ago

The rules have been explained - "Play this game with the same rules as volleyball".

Posted by Giles 15 years ago

what the hek this game has no detailed instruction at
all.how we sposed to no how to earn points or how the net team can earn points
learn how to write how to play a game please..

Posted by Amana 15 years ago

not detaile denough-how are the points scored? Can the net turn towards the ball each hit or do they basically stay fixed to the ground??

Posted by tim 15 years ago

So...how does the "net" team earn points? DO they earn points?

Posted by Chris $man 15 years ago

Sounds like heaps of fun. We're having an Olympics night great game with a twist!!

Posted by Lyn 15 years ago

this sounds really interesting, definitly giving this game a go

Posted by jenna 15 years ago

That sounds great!

Posted by Andrew 16 years ago
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