
A team-building, relaxed, icebreaker, drama game

How To Play Actionary

Materials Needed

Giant Dice, paper, pens, play-doh

This icebreaker youth group game is a cross between pictionary, sculptionary and charades.

Firstly come up with a list of pictionary style words to use. Try to use words that might be easy enough to draw/scuplt/act. Divide the group into 4 teams and give each team a tray of play-doh, some paper and some pens.

The leader who is running the game stands in the centre of the room, situated in between all of the groups. Then each team sends a volunteer up to the leader and they then get each player to roll the giant dice in turn.

Either make your own dice with "act", "draw" and "sculpt" or just use a normal dice and designate two numbers to each type.

Ie. 1, 2 = Charades
3,4 = Pictionary
5,6 = Sculptionary

Then give all the players the first word from the list. The players will then go back to their group and act, draw or sculpt out the word, depending on what number they rolled. Once someone in their group guesses the word correctly, they go up and roll the dice again and receive the next word. The first team to get through the complete list of words wins!


Added by
on 19 September 2007


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can u give me a list of words for this game?

Posted by 10 years ago

This sounds really great thanks. Its a life saver

Posted by JamDungprincess 12 years ago

wow this sounds amazing going to try it at youth group tonight.

Posted by ethan 12 years ago

This game sounds like fun...I'm so trying this out for our youth service this coming week.

Thanks a bunch. :)

Posted by silipa 12 years ago

Thanks for the GREAT idea!
Using this game tonight. However, I am staying VERY far from the play-doh. Not liss to try get play-doh out of the carpet afterwards! :)

Posted by Roxy 12 years ago

Oh cool

Posted by 12 years ago

looks fun should try it!XD:)

Posted by deborah 12 years ago

wow this sounds like fun I'm going to give it a try.... thanks the idea

Posted by Daniel 13 years ago

herm..very interesting :d

Posted by Sarah C 13 years ago

it sounds like fun

Posted by 13 years ago

Sounds like fun!! Thanks! Defintily going to give this a go at our youth 4-H meeting tomorrow!! :)

Posted by Connie 13 years ago

Love the idea as an ice breaker or review. The best part is that you can select words that would be specific for a topic you may be training or discussing!

Posted by Arlene 13 years ago

Brilliant idea! Thanks!

Posted by Sharon 13 years ago

this is great!! and also fun

Posted by Caroline B. 14 years ago

This game Sounds Awesome!!

Posted by Tealax 14 years ago

you guys are such JOCKERZ!!!

Posted by shila; 14 years ago

Awesome game! I was down on games, saw this and was like sweet as =D it works really well at our youth group, keeps everyone motivated

Posted by Josh 14 years ago

Cranium. Look it up.

Posted by anon 14 years ago

this game is cranium. look it up

Posted by 14 years ago

It sounds cool I'll try it with my students and fellow teachers,too!

Posted by Letty 15 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I just remembered the fun I had when I was in college playing pictionary. Thanks for improvising.

Posted by Maivi Ann Vega 15 years ago

I am using this tonite. My kids love charades, whose your daddy and play doh. Should be fun!

Posted by Jill 15 years ago

This game sounds really fun and will go great with my devotion.

Posted by Shannon 15 years ago

Hey.. this game sounds really rad / gnarly.. think we might use it at youth tonight..

Later days , all you Christain Mates! =)

Posted by Megan 15 years ago

i did a slight variation of this with my yr 6s.... i just played plain pictionary but made a 'path' that they had to follow out of masking tape with numbers on it. As a team they had to climb over couches, under pool tables etc... we still played pictionary the same way. Very easy to set up, easy to pack up and the kids LOVED it :P

Posted by Samara 15 years ago

Hey....I am going to try this tonight at youth group....looks like a blast!

Posted by Jessica Gibson 15 years ago
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