Large group games
Alien Invasion
1) Give ten players a glowstick for the game, which they will wear around their wrists. Obviously, the game is...
Don't Blink
Overview: Time to embrace my inner nerd! This is a game based off a certain British science fiction TV...
45 Seconds
This activity is very simple and can be used for a wide variety of ages. 1) The group splits up...
Charlie's Candy
This game is based on the great children's movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." You're going to need a...
Pass the Potato
Overview: This game combines "hot potato" with elements of tag. It can get very competitive with more people. Where...
Steal the Bacon
This game is simple and is a great icebreaker among youth groups and camps. Divide the group into four...
Get a volunteer to be the President, once they are chosen divide the rest of the kids into 2 unequal...
Hungry Hungry Humans
Setup: First you make a very large circle of chairs, or tables on their sides. This can also be...
Bippity Bop-Bop
1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...
Lifesavers Relay
1) At youth group, break everyone into three teams. If you are at a camp and have a group system,...
This epic twist on dodgeball is best played with a fairly large group. It's great to use as an...
Answer Race
1. Prepare four sheets of questions. Each sheet represents one suit (diamond, hearts, clubs, spades). On each sheet write a...
Reformation - The Wide Game
This is a wide game that we played on our last youth camp. It should run for a couple...
The Ball Game
This may look like a regular game, but it's a prank in actuality. It should be performed in front...
Raining Balloons
1. Blow up all the balloons bought and evenly distribute them into 2 different large garage bags (do this beforehand) 2. Divide...
Human Stratego
How to play: 1. Divide the group into 2 teams. 2. Each team goes to the opposite end of the field where...
Wave- Hide and seek
There is one person who is the seeker, the rest of the people are hiders. The seeker puts the...
Chair of Doom
Have everyone hold hands in a ring around the chair. The object of the game is to be the...
Matt Ball
The two bases are at opposite ends (much like the distance of a basketball court). Each base has one...
App Snap
1. Make sure everyone in the group knows each others phone numbers, or at least has a group chat set...
Milk Jug Lacrosse
Each person has a milk jug. There are no boundaries set. Each team has a goal they are to...
Giant Dutch Blitz
1. Each team puts 8 cards in a discard pile with the top card facing up. 2. That leaves 12 cards “in handâ€...
Tug of War
Setup: - Make sure the rope is marked in the middle, and has two other marks 4 metres apart from...
Bees Vs. Wasps
This is a fun run around church wide game I play with our middle-schoolers. The amount of nerf guns,...
Action Netball
You get 2 chairs sitting on the opposite ends of the playing area. Then you separate your group into 2 teams....
Monsters inc. (sully says)
Works very similar to Simon says or just as a fun way of keeping everyone warm without the sully...
Sharky shark
Set the boundaries of the game, a straight channel as long as you decide and as wide as appropriate,...
Five Tribes
Five tribes night game 5 teams of 2 cabins (about 20 kids each) each team has its own colour and home base...
Make A Volcano: Chemistry
In a tall jug (clear is best) put in 100ml of vinegar and drop in a TBSN of baking...
Golden Child
This is a great game for encouraging kids to learn the basic skills of basketball and netball. It is...
Now That's What I Call Latin
This can be done with team Vs. Team, or everyone Vs. everyone. Go to google translate, and translate any...
1. Pick a person to be it (Maybe a leader for the first round) 2. Everyone else hides in a large...
Atlas Shrugged
1. Split your group into 2-4 teams. Each team has a Frisbee and an end zone. 2. They start in the...
If I Were A Butterfly
This is the game version of the popular children's song "If I Were a Butterfly" and is a variation...
Medic Dodgeball
To play this game you'll need to know the basic rules of dodgeball, so check them out here first....
Octopus Tag
Octopus Tag can be played indoors or outdoors with any sized group and any aged kids. It's a very...
Poisonous stump
Want your friends to fall into the poison zone? Then this is the perfect game for you! Get ready...
Line Chasey
Line tag or line chasey ideally needs to be played in a gymnasium with multiple court lines (basketball, netball,...
Number Clumps
Alliances are quickly formed and broken as kids scramble to clump together in groups of different numbers.