Indoor games
The Group sits on chairs around in a circle with the odd man out standing in the middle trying...
Balloon Frenzy
The aim of this balloon game is to knock the opposing teams balloons to the floor whilst keeping your...
Banana Chomp Relay: Search
As the teens get there, have them print their name on a list. This gives you the right spelling...
Human Paper Scissors Rock
This game is a variation of normal paper scissors rock. I'm going to assume you know how that one...
Lima Bean Relay Race
Give each team member a straw. Place two tables about 10 feet apart. One the first table have a paper...
Peanut Butter Pronounciation
Before playing the game, prepare two pieces of paper with a completely random and obscure phrase on them. They...
Wink 'Em
Make a circle of chairs and have of the group sit down. There should be one extra, empty chair....
Candy Pants
I love this game mostly because of the name, but it is fun to watch and play. One person...
Crazy Olympics
Divide the materials evenly and give a set to each team. Give them 5 minutes to make up their own...
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Bang!" Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The...
Pick two teams, each team with 2 people. One person lays on the floor and the other person holds the...
This is a great game that is high energy, and can give kids (and leaders) an opportunity to vent...
Banana Chomp Relay: Eat
Using the Bananas with the kids' names on them, pile all the bananas in a heap at the front...
Blindfolded Musical Chairs
It's pretty much what the name suggests! Each person playing is blindfolded and chairs are spread randomly through the...
Dodgeball Crossover
A large area the size of a basketball court is the best for this game. Have two or three...
The Chair Game
Arrange the chairs in a big circle, everyone to sit on a chair apart from one person, who stands...
Unlimited Ping Pong
Push the long sides of the tables together so you have a large rectangle with a long seam down...
In this messy food game, contestants (two teams of two) face each other in three mini-games. The winner of...
Mr Squiggle
This is a rip off of the old TV show Mr. Squiggle. We used this activity as the finale...
Cup Stack Relay
Line two teams up next to each other with a table a few metres away from the start of...
Monkey in the Middle
For this icebreaker game, you'll need to form a circle with chairs. You have one person in the middle....
The Yes No Game
It's a great game to play while going on a walk or playing another game or to play on...
Balloon Pop Off
Each player has a balloon tied around their ankle with a piece of string. The aim of this balloon...
Bible Rap-Off
Create two groups of as many as possible and give them a long bible verse each. Tell the two...
Crazy Pong
Number off 1 through however many player you have Player 1 serves a legal ping-pong serve to Player 2 Player 2 allows the...
Family Feud
This is simply the old TV game revisited. Central to this game is a list of questions and survey...
Queen Ann
The object is to figure out what Queen Ann likes... the leader says examples, Queen Ann likes toes but...
Team Bump
Divide group into 2 teams and have them stand on opposite sides of basketball hoop in parallel lines. If playing...
AFL, Netball and Ping Pong
This game works a bit like AFL (Australian Football League) crossed with netball & ping pong. Each player has a...
Bobbing for Apple-Mallows
I made this game up and my youth love it more than anything. You run this like a relay...
Don't Step on the Eggs
Firstly blindfold the player and tell them that you have placed whole eggs around the hall. Their aim is...
Steal The Keys
Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...
Get To Know You Hey!
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Get To Know You Bang" This is the "get to know...
Divide your group into 2 teams. Each person writes the name of a well known person they would like to...
Play Dough Pictionary
Split the group into groups of about 5 pleople and distribute them around the room. Each group is given a...
Table Topics
This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...
Trash Can Game
The whole group joins hands in a circle around the trash can. While holding hands, on the count of...
Description: An icebreaker for a small group that gets everyone involved with the coordination of hands, voice and pace....
Don't Forget Your Tooth Brush
This youth game is best played on a camp. Come up with a list of items that you would...
Donkey Game
Everyone circles up, and two people start with a ball each. One ball is to be passed around the...
This simulation game is a great one to play on a youth camp. It involves a lot of running...
Pizza Box Curling
Draw 2 lines about 6 ft apart to use as starting marks. About 15-20 ft. away draw two circles. Two teams...
Bible Centred
Balance a bible on a chair in the middle of your playing area. Form a circle around the bible,...
Celebrity Articulate
If you've ever played the famous board game "Articulate" then you'll love this game. It usually is easier to...
Guess Who's Under The Blankets
This game can be played with 2-? players, but it is best with 4-10. Players take turns being the...
Human Relay
Each team stands in a straight line behind one another at the start line. When the relay commences the...
Create two teams out of your youth group. We usually separate with girls vs boys but that's not necessary...
Dizzy Donkey
Love this game - so funny... 1. Beforehand, cut out a pair of donkey ears using the cardboard or paper. 2....