Messy food games
Pea Pipes
Simple relay structure for this game. 4 teams line up at one end. Place a bowl of peas (or whatever...
Chocolate Game
Place a chocolate block in the center of the table. The candy should stay in its wrapper and, to...
Fruit Juice Face-off
Each team must line up behind an empty bowl. At the other end there must be a bucket of...
Goldfish Gauntlet
This game is great when done infront of a crowd. Select four people from the crowd to be your...
Porridge Pants
This game can either be played as an up-front game or as an all-play game. Either bring 4 people up...
The Toaster Game
Everyone sits in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a toaster. Put a piece of bread...
Cheeseball Chuck-up
Divide your group into 4 teams. Select 1 player from each team to be the "target". Get a few teammates to...
Jelly Bobbing
Jelly bobbing is like bobbing for apples... only we're using jelly instead of water and lollies instead of apples....
Mr Whippy
Divide everyone into teams. Select one player from each team to lay down with a cone in their mouth....
Baby Food Roulette
Get a number of volunteers up the front. It can often work better if you don't tell them what...
Egg Roulette
A bit messy but a real laugh. Get enough eggs so there is one per player. Hard boil them...
Using gellatine, make a slab of jelly in an ice-cream container (you have to increase the consistency to enable...
Spaghetti Fishing
This game can get very messy! The better your prizes... the messier it will get! This game can be...
Banana Munching
Each contestant needs 1 pair of pantyhose and a Banana. They put the Pantyhose over their heads so that it...
Brain Freeze
Blend the Ice in the Blender until it is quite small. Then fill the four 1L jugs with ice,...
Dirty Nappies
I played this at a baby shower, but I am reasonably confident it can be adapted to be youth-orientated......
Gag in the Bag
You'll need to buy a selection of cans and then number them off. (Don't take the labels off though)...
Gum Boot Goop
Each team of four has a pair of boots. For each round, they nominate a player to answer a...
The Weetbix Challenge
Set up 4 glasses of milk in a row (on a bench or something) and have ready a few boxes...
Banana Smoosh
this game is similar to the game submitted by Brendon "Banana Munching" except that the youth start with the...
Egg On Your Face
Crack an egg into the plastic tubing (it is possible to do this without a funnel, but you may...
Moo Cow Mines
Set up "cow pats" along a track about 50m long. "Cow pats" consist of paper plates with either jelly...
Baby Burp
You need two people per team, you can make as many teams as you like, and one person is...
Mega Ice-cream Sundae
This is a favourite food game at our youth group. Cover a table with plenty of aluminium foil, empty...
Marshmallow Dodgeball
Marshmallow dodgeball is a variant of the dodgeball rules. It's best if the kids wear dark coloured clothing. When...
Rice Model Competition
Cook rice for about 40 minutes until it's really gluggy and sticky. Then let it cool. Give teams a portion...
The Face Maker
This game is for the daring people. Anyone can join in. The rules are simple: Eat the sour candy,...
Tim Tam Slam-Off
Get the contestants to bite off two diagonally opposite corners of their tim tam.. They dip about 1.5cm of...
Peanut Butter Pronounciation
Before playing the game, prepare two pieces of paper with a completely random and obscure phrase on them. They...
Candy Pants
I love this game mostly because of the name, but it is fun to watch and play. One person...
Pick two teams, each team with 2 people. One person lays on the floor and the other person holds the...
Spaghetti Slip and Slide
For those of us on water restrictions who cant have a normal water slide this is a fun and...
In this messy food game, contestants (two teams of two) face each other in three mini-games. The winner of...
Whn the leader says "get ready", each player puts the tablet on their tongue. On "go", each player pours...
Bobbing for Apple-Mallows
I made this game up and my youth love it more than anything. You run this like a relay...
Don't Step on the Eggs
Firstly blindfold the player and tell them that you have placed whole eggs around the hall. Their aim is...
Vegemite Cheeks
You separate into 2 (or more) teams. Each group lines up in a single file. At the front of the...
Blend It
Explain the game as a simple food eating competition game - you could do it with hotdogs or burgers...
Milo Eating
Each contestant is give a cup of milo (just the powder) with 2 or 3 large mouthfuls in it. The first...
Blindfolded Eating Competition
The aim of this challenging messy food game is for a blindfolded person to eat the food items that...
Jello Night
This is done during Holy Week. Kids wear old clothes and bring a change of clothes. For the week...
How Many Do You Do?
The aim of this game is to eat as many plain dry weet bix in a certain amount of...
The aim of "Queggs" or 'Quick Eggs' to those unfamiliar with its witty title, is a game were one...
Bag Of Goodies
Gather all kinds of really horrible foods - ones that are quick to open and eat. For instance, baby...
Water Balloon Volleyball
Just like volleyball except you use water balloons! The objective is to not allow the balloons to hit the...
Mash the Mush
This is a messy food youth group game with an ultimate surprise at the end! First you mix up...
Bubble Gum Blowing Contest
The biggest bubble wins. If you don't have a pair of calipers for measuring the bubbles, use a ruler....