Active games
Fruit Basket Turnover
Everyone sits in chairs that are facing in a circle except one player - that one is in the...
Coal Mine Relay
This is a basic relay race using wheel barrows. You'll need at least two teams, each team needing 1 wheelbarrow....
Egg and Custard Game
This is a wide game that we play across the grounds of a school, best done at night time....
Matchbox Nose Race
You need an empty matchbox for each person and a hall (preferably carpeted). The matchbox must be empty, and...
Pillow Basketball
Split your group into teams A and B. With each team having an equal amount of girls and guys....
Baby Burp
You need two people per team, you can make as many teams as you like, and one person is...
Chalk Fencing
This game is for two players. Using sticky tape, attach a piece of paper to the upper shoulder of...
Stocking Ball
Your kids will either hate this game or love it. If people don't want to play, it's also really...
Circle Untangle
This is an all time classic icebreaker game! Everyone stands in a big circle and then grabs onto two...
Marshmallow Dodgeball
Marshmallow dodgeball is a variant of the dodgeball rules. It's best if the kids wear dark coloured clothing. When...
Birdie on a Perch
Players should pair off into partners (girls with girls and guys with guys is usually better). One player will...
Body Parts
Teens should pair off. The oldest person of the pairs should go to the middle and make a circle....
Rock Paper Dragon
This game is great as an icebreaker and our group did it the first night of a youth confrence....
Banana Chomp Relay: Search
As the teens get there, have them print their name on a list. This gives you the right spelling...
Blinded Volleyball
Have your group split up into two teams and set up like they are going to play volleyball. Then...
Lima Bean Relay Race
Give each team member a straw. Place two tables about 10 feet apart. One the first table have a paper...
Setup: Sticky-tape a ring of glow-sticks to the opening of the bins, one colour per bin. then place the...
Pantyhose Pull
2 players put an end of a pair of panty hose over each others head and hold it over there...
Proper Dodgeball
The most popular game at our Youth Group (played just like in the movie 'dodgeball'). Two teams line up...
A Light In Darkness
This is a great, fun game for leading into topics like spiritual warfare, reaching the lost, etc. This is...
Balloon Frenzy
The aim of this balloon game is to knock the opposing teams balloons to the floor whilst keeping your...
Human Paper Scissors Rock
This game is a variation of normal paper scissors rock. I'm going to assume you know how that one...
Scream Till You Drop!
Line up kids. When you say go, they run as fast as they can, screaming as loud as they...
This is a great game that is high energy, and can give kids (and leaders) an opportunity to vent...
Banana Chomp Relay: Eat
Using the Bananas with the kids' names on them, pile all the bananas in a heap at the front...
Candy Pants
I love this game mostly because of the name, but it is fun to watch and play. One person...
Crazy Olympics
Divide the materials evenly and give a set to each team. Give them 5 minutes to make up their own...
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Bang!" Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The...
Spaghetti Slip and Slide
For those of us on water restrictions who cant have a normal water slide this is a fun and...
Unlimited Ping Pong
Push the long sides of the tables together so you have a large rectangle with a long seam down...
Blindfolded Musical Chairs
It's pretty much what the name suggests! Each person playing is blindfolded and chairs are spread randomly through the...
Dodgeball Crossover
A large area the size of a basketball court is the best for this game. Have two or three...
The Chair Game
Arrange the chairs in a big circle, everyone to sit on a chair apart from one person, who stands...
Triple Trouble
This game is a variation on Dodgeball, with no teams. Three players begin the game holding dodgeballs. They call...
Ultimate Soccer
Each team selects a "goalie" who will stand on a platform. The goal is to get the soccer ball...
Zombie Apocalypse
How to Play: Basically, there will be three teams. One is the Zombies, one is the Survivors, the last...
In this messy food game, contestants (two teams of two) face each other in three mini-games. The winner of...
Balloon Pop Off
Each player has a balloon tied around their ankle with a piece of string. The aim of this balloon...
Cup Stack Relay
Line two teams up next to each other with a table a few metres away from the start of...
AFL, Netball and Ping Pong
This game works a bit like AFL (Australian Football League) crossed with netball & ping pong. Each player has a...
Crazy Pong
Number off 1 through however many player you have Player 1 serves a legal ping-pong serve to Player 2 Player 2 allows the...
Team Bump
Divide group into 2 teams and have them stand on opposite sides of basketball hoop in parallel lines. If playing...
Don't Step on the Eggs
Firstly blindfold the player and tell them that you have placed whole eggs around the hall. Their aim is...
Play Dough Pictionary
Split the group into groups of about 5 pleople and distribute them around the room. Each group is given a...
Steal The Keys
Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...
Trash Can Game
The whole group joins hands in a circle around the trash can. While holding hands, on the count of...
Ultimate Frisbee
Divide the group into 2 teams. Create a playing field with 2 "end zones" which are essentially rectangles marked out with 4...