Active games

Page 3 of 6 (293 games found)


Description: An icebreaker for a small group that gets everyone involved with the coordination of hands, voice and pace....

small-groups icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Bible Centred

Balance a bible on a chair in the middle of your playing area. Form a circle around the bible,...

junior active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick some-mess under-20-dollars


This simulation game is a great one to play on a youth camp. It involves a lot of running...

wide team-building simulation memory large-groups camp active indoors multiple-teams long some-mess under-20-dollars

Human Relay

Each team stands in a straight line behind one another at the start line. When the relay commences the...

team-building active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost


Create two teams out of your youth group. We usually separate with girls vs boys but that's not necessary...

team-building sports junior active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Twice Round the Marquee

You find a large building (whatever one you hold youth in) and you send one leader round clockwise walking...

junior active outdoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Body Part Musical Chairs

So I am a sunday school teacher at my church and I have found this youth group game to...

music junior active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick some-mess no-cost

Dizzy Donkey

Love this game - so funny... 1. Beforehand, cut out a pair of donkey ears using the cardboard or paper. 2....

junior active play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

Endless Bases Kickball

This is a pointless game my students made up, one day when they were bored. It is played just...

sports active play-anywhere cooperative standard some-mess no-cost

Shoe Wars

This game is really simple and so much fun. You divide the room with some kind of dividers. You...

team-building duel active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Speed Cricket

This game has proven to be a real hit. We play it inside after our bible study has finished....

team-building junior active play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Thailand Tag

Youth are divided into two teams, and a line is drawn across the middle the room to separate the...

drama active no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Ultimate Ninja

The group stands in a circle and nominates someone to start. 3 - 2 - 1 ULTIMATE NINJA! Everyone has to start...

small-groups icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Vegemite Cheeks

You separate into 2 (or more) teams. Each group lines up in a single file. At the front of the...

team-building food active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard extreme-mess under-20-dollars

Human Battleships

One of my favourite things is taking something normal and making it life-size. The game of battleships is great...

team-building simulation active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Jenga Dare

This is a great youth group ice breaker game. Would work really well to help the group mingle and...

icebreakers drama camp active large-groups indoors all-on-all standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Key Game

You can do this with any amount of kids you would like (min of 5 kids per team) the more...

team-building junior active large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost

Poison Ball

Divide the group into two teams. Set out an area with clear boundaries and get one team to stand...

active large-groups outdoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Tug of Water War!

Before the game starts place all the objects at a hidden place where you it is not too difficult...

wide water team-building icebreakers active outdoors multiple-teams standard extreme-mess no-cost

Rock Paper Scissors Evolution

This game is a fantastic group mixer ice breaker activity. Players must wander around the room and battle each...

icebreakers active large-groups no-prep non-contact play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Skit Night

We came up with this at our first lock-in 3 years ago and it is one of our most requested...

team-building small-groups icebreakers camp artistic active night play-anywhere multiple-teams long some-mess no-cost

Bible Smugglers

You will need a decent sized property for this game. Before you start the game you explain to the...

wide camp active large-groups night outdoors cooperative long no-mess no-cost hot-topic


This one is insanely popular with all ages. Minimum age of 7 or 8 is recommend as anything younger is hard...

camp large-groups active wide night outdoors all-on-all long some-mess no-cost

Extreme Bucket Ball

You start out by setting up 2 chairs on each end of the room or wherever you are playing. If...

sports camp active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Giant Pick Up Sticks

So you've all heard of pick-up sticks right? The game where you get a pile of multi-coloured sticks all...

active simulation large-groups outdoors all-on-all standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Party Blower Matchbox Race

Line up everyone is one long line then give each child a party blower and empty match box. On...

mini-olympics duel active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Rescue Relay

Preparation: 1. Tie each life saving device (we used empty cordial bottles) to a separate rope 2. Set out a start...

simulation active team-building play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost


An action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to football and ultimate, two teams try...

wide team-building sports junior active no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost


Bases An Outdoor Team Game Overview: Bases is a fast-paced outdoor game that combines elements of Capture the Flag,...

wide team-building active large-groups outdoors multiple-teams standard no-mess over-20-dollars

Newspaper Hockey

This is a fantastic game that gets even the quite kids involved. This game can be played with 10-25...

team-building sports active indoors multiple-teams standard some-mess under-20-dollars


Get the group to stand in a circle facing inwards. Choose one player to stand in the centre of...

active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Shuffle Bums

You get all the chairs in a circle and have the people playing sit on them. Make sure there...

icebreakers active large-groups circle play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Balloon Shuffle

Get everyone to blow their balloon up. The object of the game is to carry there balloon from the...

icebreakers active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Chinese Kickball

This is kind of like a normal game of kickball except there is only one pitcher--no outfielders, and everyone...

wide team-building sports active play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Creative Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts can be epic fun and there are many different ways to do them. This "Creative" Scavenger Hunt...

team-building camp large-groups active wide night non-contact play-anywhere multiple-teams long no-mess no-cost

Going Up or Going Down?

You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...

team-building small-groups icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Poison Pole

This is a simple and easy game that everyone in our youth loves!! You have a pole (a broom...

active large-groups indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


Its best to play outdoors in an open area. Give everyone a number (1-however many players there are). Have...

sports active no-prep outdoors all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

The Human Slingshot

It's an exhilarating, fast-paced game that involves four people slinging each other back and forth within a human sized...

team-building small-groups icebreakers active indoors cooperative long no-mess over-20-dollars

Bag Of Goodies

Gather all kinds of really horrible foods - ones that are quick to open and eat. For instance, baby...

team-building food active play-anywhere up-front-duel standard extreme-mess over-20-dollars

Giant Twister

1) Use just like Twister except you can get around 30 kids on a time. 2) Make 2 teams start them at each...

camp active play-anywhere up-front-duel long no-mess over-20-dollars

Running Twister

We’ve put a twist on “Twister” making it even more… twisty?! Definitely a slightly less awkward version of...

junior active play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Snowball Fight

This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Water Balloon Volleyball

Just like volleyball except you use water balloons! The objective is to not allow the balloons to hit the...

water food active play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


This game is to be played in the dark and it an awesome choice to play as a night...

wide team-building junior active large-groups indoors cooperative long no-mess no-cost

Giants, Wizards, and Elves

Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...

team-building no-prep large-groups junior active wide icebreakers drama play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Speed Ball

Divide the kids into two teams, even numbers of guys and girls on both team work best! Make one...

team-building sports active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Top & Bottom Tag

Gather your players into two teams. Tell one team to put one of their hands on their head, and...

junior icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Velcro Puzzle Beanie Relay

This game has worked brilliantly every time I've played it at my youth group. It's one of those games...

team-building duel active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Marco Polo On Land

This is the same concept as the water version only with rule variations to make it work well on...

junior active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

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