No prep games
Birdie on a Perch
Players should pair off into partners (girls with girls and guys with guys is usually better). One player will...
Body Parts
Teens should pair off. The oldest person of the pairs should go to the middle and make a circle....
The Laughing Game
The objective of this game is to get everyone to laugh while you can not laugh yourself. Have everyone...
Everybody sits in a circle holding hands, you nominate 2 people to be 'stations' and 1 person to sit in the...
The Group sits on chairs around in a circle with the odd man out standing in the middle trying...
Scream Till You Drop!
Line up kids. When you say go, they run as fast as they can, screaming as loud as they...
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Bang!" Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The...
Wink 'Em
Make a circle of chairs and have of the group sit down. There should be one extra, empty chair....
Monkey in the Middle
For this icebreaker game, you'll need to form a circle with chairs. You have one person in the middle....
Queen Ann
The object is to figure out what Queen Ann likes... the leader says examples, Queen Ann likes toes but...
Get To Know You Hey!
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Get To Know You Bang" This is the "get to know...
Description: An icebreaker for a small group that gets everyone involved with the coordination of hands, voice and pace....
Human Relay
Each team stands in a straight line behind one another at the start line. When the relay commences the...
Thailand Tag
Youth are divided into two teams, and a line is drawn across the middle the room to separate the...
Alphabet Concentration
This can be played in a pair, a small group or a larger crowd - but the more people...
Ultimate Ninja
The group stands in a circle and nominates someone to start. 3 - 2 - 1 ULTIMATE NINJA! Everyone has to start...
Rock Paper Scissors Evolution
This game is a fantastic group mixer ice breaker activity. Players must wander around the room and battle each...
Moshi Moshi
This is the Japanese version of Telephone. Sit in a circle. Pick one person to be "IT" - that...
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
All participants sit in a circle. The leader begins, saying "Ali Baba and the forty thieves" while doing a...
An action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to football and ultimate, two teams try...
Get the group to stand in a circle facing inwards. Choose one player to stand in the centre of...
Going Up or Going Down?
You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...
A classic and fun party game for all ages! 1. Get players to sit in a circle facing inwards. 2. Pick...
Zip Zap Boing
Rules are simple. Everyone stands in a circle and one person starts the throwing. If you throw the ball...
Its best to play outdoors in an open area. Give everyone a number (1-however many players there are). Have...
Giants, Wizards, and Elves
Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...
Remember Everything
This get to know you game is best played in a smaller group of around 10 or so people. If...
Top & Bottom Tag
Gather your players into two teams. Tell one team to put one of their hands on their head, and...
Squirrelly Nut
This game should be played with 10-25 people. Pair up each person with a partner. Pick a team to...
Everyone gets into groups of three. Two people stand facing each other and join hands to create an arch...
Question Circle Rotate
This is a fantastic "get to know you" game. Split the kids into two groups - tell one group...
1. Choose one person to be the "Danger Alert" or choose an adult or a group leader or something. Give...
Zip Bong
Stand in a circle and cover you teeth with your lips, almost as if you were impersonating an elder...
Rock Paper Anything
This game could work really well as an "up the front duel" type of game or as an "all...
It's essentially tip, but when you get tipped you sit down where you were tipped. Once you've been tipped...
This game works a lot like psychiatrist but has it's own twist and humor. Start out by having one...
Amoeba Tag
If you don't know anything about science, an Amoeba is a type of cell that eats other cells by...
10-Second Hide and Seek
Have you ever wanted to play hide and seek, but found that the playing space was simply too small...
What Are the Odds?
This is an excellent game for groups of daring youth. It's a bit hard to explain, but it is...
Bippity Bop-Bop
1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...
Kings in Grass Castles
This is an outdoor game combining tag/chasey/tiggy/tips, bluff, and a healthy dose of running around like...
Category Chaos
This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...
Simon Says
Simon Says is a kids game usually played with three or more people. One person is nominated to be...
Toilet Paper Tell Me
A get to know you game that involves players sharing facts about themselves depending on how much toilet paper...
If I Were A Butterfly
This is the game version of the popular children's song "If I Were a Butterfly" and is a variation...
Poisonous stump
Want your friends to fall into the poison zone? Then this is the perfect game for you! Get ready...
The Floor Is Lava
Imaginations turn the floor into super hot lava and require players to avoid touching it at all costs. No...
Creative Hopscotch
To play hopscotch, players must hop and jump along a hopscotch course. Usually a course consists of single or...
Number Clumps
Alliances are quickly formed and broken as kids scramble to clump together in groups of different numbers.