Outdoor games
Water Bomber
This is a classic battle game which is easy to set up. Purchase a fair few water bombs and...
Cheeseball Chuck-up
Divide your group into 4 teams. Select 1 player from each team to be the "target". Get a few teammates to...
Do You Love Your Neighbour?
Get all the players to sit in a circle, except for one person who must stand in the middle...
Jelly Bobbing
Jelly bobbing is like bobbing for apples... only we're using jelly instead of water and lollies instead of apples....
Matthew Matthew One One
Players are numbered off: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. Matthew sits in the super chair. This person starts clapping,...
Mr Whippy
Divide everyone into teams. Select one player from each team to lay down with a cone in their mouth....
Sponge Ball Skirmish
2 teams, each team sets up a base on either side of the hall/playing area with limited about of...
Stuck in the Mud
In stuck in the mud, one person is "it". when they touch someone, that person is "frozen" in place....
The Cork Game
Use the masking tape to make a line. The first player picks up the cork and places only one...
Baby Food Roulette
Get a number of volunteers up the front. It can often work better if you don't tell them what...
Egg Roulette
A bit messy but a real laugh. Get enough eggs so there is one per player. Hard boil them...
Using gellatine, make a slab of jelly in an ice-cream container (you have to increase the consistency to enable...
Russian Kickball
A fun twist on traditional kickball: Divide youth into two co-ed teams. Youth leader is "all-time pitcher." Played just...
Spaghetti Fishing
This game can get very messy! The better your prizes... the messier it will get! This game can be...
Spit in the Bucket
This game can get kind of gross, if people are squeamish about saliva. Set up two buckets on chairs...
Banana Munching
Each contestant needs 1 pair of pantyhose and a Banana. They put the Pantyhose over their heads so that it...
Brain Freeze
Blend the Ice in the Blender until it is quite small. Then fill the four 1L jugs with ice,...
Dirty Nappies
I played this at a baby shower, but I am reasonably confident it can be adapted to be youth-orientated......
Duck Duck Goose
Get the group to sit in a circle and then select one person to be "it". They must walk...
Gag in the Bag
You'll need to buy a selection of cans and then number them off. (Don't take the labels off though)...
Moulder Ball
In this game there are seven or nine players. Three or Four people stand on one side of the...
Nose Knockers
This is pretty much just a relay with a twist! Poke two holes opposite one another at the top...
Stare Down
Start by having all of the kids remove one shoe and placing it in a pile in another room....
Who's Line Is It Anyway
Everyone's seen the "Whose Line Is It Anyway" TV show right? Anyway, it's a theatre sport game. The possibilties...
Alka Seltzer Waterfight
A simple water fight game which is fantastic for cooling down on hot summer days. Preparation 1. Get a large...
Bible Quiz
A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be...
Gum Boot Goop
Each team of four has a pair of boots. For each round, they nominate a player to answer a...
Mix & Mingle
This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amoungst a big...
Secret Dancer
A fun group game, sure to provide a whole lot of laughs. Might be suitable for a disco night...
The Name Game
This is a great get-to-know you style icebreaker. To start off, maybe get the group to stand in a...
The Weetbix Challenge
Set up 4 glasses of milk in a row (on a bench or something) and have ready a few boxes...
True or False?
A great way to reinforce what has just been taught... Instead of the traditional pop-quiz to see how much...
Banana Smoosh
this game is similar to the game submitted by Brendon "Banana Munching" except that the youth start with the...
Fruit Basket Turnover
Everyone sits in chairs that are facing in a circle except one player - that one is in the...
Memory Verse Basketball
Divide the group into two teams. Print out a memory verse and cut it up so there is one...
Mingle Mingle Mingle
This is a good youth group game to get kids mingling together and to help kids to get to...
Blind Man's Journey
Sometimes i just can't work out why kids like some games, but my younger group LOVES this game. Blindfold...
Coal Mine Relay
This is a basic relay race using wheel barrows. You'll need at least two teams, each team needing 1 wheelbarrow....
Egg and Custard Game
This is a wide game that we play across the grounds of a school, best done at night time....
Egg On Your Face
Crack an egg into the plastic tubing (it is possible to do this without a funnel, but you may...
Heads or Tails?
A good game for revising what has been learnt. Similar to heads or tails, person up the front asks...
I Am Going To And I'm Bringing
This is a guessing game. If there are fewer than ten people in the group, one person thinks of...
If I Went to Mars...
Group is seated in circle. First person begins, 'My name is ... If I went to Mars, I would take....
Lost on a Deserted Island
"The situation is dire - following a shipwreck, everyone has been stranded on a deserted island! Each person is...
Moo Cow Mines
Set up "cow pats" along a track about 50m long. "Cow pats" consist of paper plates with either jelly...
Pillow Basketball
Split your group into teams A and B. With each team having an equal amount of girls and guys....
Poetry in Motion
This is a nice quiet activity when you've got a small cozy group and have some time to kill....