Bible Quiz

A relaxed, memory game for small groups and large groups

How To Play Bible Quiz

Materials Needed

One bible per person

A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be used a tool for learning in small groups, an ice breaker for a big group or maybe as a round in a quiz night.

The questions in the quiz could be general questions from all over the bible, or could be restricted to a particular bible story or passage. This is up to you to work out what will server your youth group best.

It works really well in the setting on an "introduction night" for a the series/book you're about to start working through. It can be done at the end of the session to test and remind the kids of what has been discussed.

The questions used the bible quiz can be simple answer questions, multiple choice and true or false. Or you can get creative - maybe use a PowerPoint presentation to display some graphical questions as well.

You could do the quiz as an "open bible" quiz which will encourage kids to be using their bibles to find answers as you go and is a good way to help kids "get to know" their bibles.

If you've got any good ideas for creative questions then please share them in the comments.


God's word

Added by
Edwin Davis
on 26 July 2008
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You can use Kahoot for the kids to play on their phones. It's free & you can make up the questions before the game starts.

Posted by Dana 6 years ago

This game does me justice!

Posted by Jesus 6 years ago

Wow.....this awsum, I like it because we can have fun while we increase our knowledge in God

Posted by Musa 11 years ago

These are good quite games 4 de christian youth i hve once tried dem with my youth they seem 2 werk@ all times youth starts 2 understand more of the bibble.

Posted by Thando 11 years ago

People should use their imagination, make the bible fun make it modern, this game would work if you are creative enough to make it work and it definitely will let the youth read the bible

Posted by Brenda 11 years ago

Hahaha...i feel bad for the youth group who has to play this game! let's spend an hour studying the Bible right after you've come from school!!! LUCKY!!

Posted by Heather 11 years ago

I'm going to try a varient... Pick 1 Book of the Bible... make it teams... and then quiz out of it...

Repeat games will eventually cover more of the Bible and will encourage Bible use.

Posted by shawn 14 years ago

wow. let's play, kids!
no, teacher, please no!

Posted by maggie 15 years ago


Posted by andy 15 years ago

worst game in the history of Bible quiz games...

Posted by Gareth 15 years ago
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