No prep games
Secret Identity
Have everyone secretly write down the name of a person on a small piece of paper or a "post-it"...
Everyone sits in a circle. Each player chooses a fruit or vegetable. Player A says their fruit/veggie, then...
Shoe Talk
Often at the start of a youth camp or youth group year there are many people who don't know...
Blow Wind Blow
For this icebreaker game you'll need to set up your chairs in a circle facing inwards. Make sure there...
Two Truths And A Tale
For this great get to know you game, each person must make three statements about themselves, one of which...
Everyone's It!
Same rules as chasey... except everyone is it! Get everyone to put their non-prefered hand on their head. Then,...
Slap Wrestling
Two people stand facing each other with about a shoulder's span between them and thier feet together. They must...
Captain's Orders
This game is excellent for a competitive group. It tires everyone out really quickly and can provide a good...
Matthew Mark Luke John
Each person has a chair. Put 4 chairs in a row (or use a couple couches), the rest in a...
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
Quick Switch Chasey
Usually played in a hall, this game requires 2 even teams. 1 team kneels down in a line through the middle...
Speed Dating With a Twist
Set up the chairs in two circles, a small circle and a larger circle outside of that. Make sure...
Jockeys Up
1. Tell the group to get into pairs, preferably with a person who has a similar height/weight to them. 2....
Never Have I Ever
Hold out 5 fingers (well, 4 and your thumb) Go around the circle and one at a time, each person announces...
Wizard in the Dark
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Murder in the Dark" This game is very simple. Perfect for...
Tea Towel Face Off
Both teams line up sitting down facing away from each other. Everyone holds hands. At one end, the 2 players...
True False Run
The group stands in the middle of a room (or if outside, between two markers eg cones). one wall...
Chair on the Wall
There is no equipment required for this game, except a blank patch of smooth wall. Line up against the...
Honey If You Love Me...
This is a brilliant circle game! Basically get a circle of chairs set up and get the whole group...
Mute Organisation
Simply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth-date. Only catch: no talking. Once they...
Spin Chasey
This is a game we made up by accident back at youth group in good old days. Basically... everyone...
Shoe Shuffle
Get the group to take off their right shoe. Then throw all the shoes in a big pile in...
Animal Noise Game
A great ice breaker game which is sure to lighten the mood and get people feeling comfortable around one...
Over the Mountain
I love this game for getting to know students. Each player sits in a chair in a circle facing...
The Tangled Chain
Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...
Icebreaker Questions
A great way to help people open up to each other is to ask them fun questions that allow...
In The Tomb, Out of the Tomb
Draw a long line using yarn or masking tape. Have the children line up in a straight line facing...
Cross Country Spoons
Everyone's played spoons right? (if you don't know how to play, ask anyone at your youth group, they'll know......
Musical Boys and Girls
Divide the group up into girls and boys, but try to make sure that there is an even amount...
Rock Paper Scissors
In the middle of the playing field set up 2 long lines with a bout 1 - 2 metres to divide them....
Do You Love Your Neighbour?
Get all the players to sit in a circle, except for one person who must stand in the middle...
Mafia is a classic campfire game played at many youth camps, summer camps and scout camps before. In some...
Stuck in the Mud
In stuck in the mud, one person is "it". when they touch someone, that person is "frozen" in place....
Duck Duck Goose
Get the group to sit in a circle and then select one person to be "it". They must walk...
Table Climbing
Challenge one of your youthians to climb around a table! It's actually a lot harder than it sounds. Instruct...
Mix & Mingle
This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amoungst a big...
Secret Dancer
A fun group game, sure to provide a whole lot of laughs. Might be suitable for a disco night...
Stare Down
Start by having all of the kids remove one shoe and placing it in a pile in another room....
Mingle Mingle Mingle
This is a good youth group game to get kids mingling together and to help kids to get to...
If I Went to Mars...
Group is seated in circle. First person begins, 'My name is ... If I went to Mars, I would take....
Lost on a Deserted Island
"The situation is dire - following a shipwreck, everyone has been stranded on a deserted island! Each person is...
I Tell A Lie
The object of this small group ice breaker game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group...
Circle Untangle
This is an all time classic icebreaker game! Everyone stands in a big circle and then grabs onto two...
Wink Them To Sleep
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Wink Murder" Arrange the whole group seated in a circle and...
Everything Is Possible For Him Who Believes
Mark 9:23 "Everything is possible for him who believes." Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."...
Rock Paper Dragon
This game is great as an icebreaker and our group did it the first night of a youth confrence....
Zim Zalla Zim
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Click Click Bang Bang" This is a mystery game which is...