The Tangled Chain

A team-building, relaxed, icebreaker game for junior youth

How To Play The Tangled Chain

Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone across the circle. Once everyone has joined hands, let them know their task is now to untangle themselves.

To make the game interesting, make sure there are some chaotic hand joins going on - get players to weave their hands up and over other arms.

This ice breaker game can work really well as a team competition - split the group into a few different even-sized teams and get each group to tangle themselves then make it a race to get completely untangled. It might help to have a leader watching each team so there is no cheating going on!


Added by
on 16 April 2008


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i think that this game is very challenging and fun :D:) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D

Posted by Turtle 4 years ago

Is a game i Think the it is a test not a game's

Posted by Laura 5 years ago

I've always loved playing this game... The game was called - Doctor, doctor, help us! :-)

Posted by Siddhika 9 years ago

thanks for this game looking for a few games to fill in 10 minutes or so for the youth group i help out with getting a few for ideas will be using this one :D x

Posted by Jess 11 years ago

Sounds fun am trying it tonight at our youth group!!

Posted by mnm 12 years ago

Love this game! Laughing at someone commenting "stupid game", who says that? Honestly?

Posted by melina 12 years ago

sounds good - trying it out @ youth :)

Posted by cass 12 years ago

We did this with a group of about 12 and ended up with 2 circles. It was so much fun and it was easy to see who the strong personalities were.

Posted by Christine 12 years ago

oh man this game defiantly screamed challenge... but taught communication..and adding the silence trick was a plus

Posted by 13 years ago

it is slightly the same with the game doctor quak quak which I used to play when I was a kid.. :)

Posted by xhei 13 years ago

is it hard to get untangled

Posted by AY 13 years ago

that who said that it is stupid, he did not understood the instruction. we played it with 8 pairs, we are failed to untangled it :D ...but it was great! :)

Posted by mk 14 years ago

I used to play this game with my youth group (when I was in the youth class) and we all loved it. It doesn't sound fun, but once you get tangled up and have to figure out how to get yourselves untangled, it really is fun.

Posted by Becca 14 years ago

This was not a favorite game of my group until I added a few new things. I have the group stand in a circle. Each person holds a bandana or short rope in their right hand. The put the right hand which is holding the rope into the center of the circle. Then I instruct them to grap someone else's rope with their left hand. Adding the ropes/bandanas eliminates the risks of hands slipping or twisting wrists. It also allows for more room when stepping over or going underneath hands. Now my group loves to play. I then follow the game with another game called Lion Tails using the ropes or bandandas.

Posted by brina 15 years ago

This is a great game, my kids love it. An addition to this is to have them do the whole thing without talking. It is great for following directions and truly paying attention to each other.

Posted by Cag 15 years ago

This is so not a stupid game, its one of my group's favourites. And 9 times out of 10 they untangle themselves. We have an extra guideline that the kids should check they're not holding hands with the same person- they'll end up unable to finish.

Posted by Christie 15 years ago

I have played this myself and have had youth groups play as well. My kids love the challenge of getting untangled, and when it is really difficult, they don't want to quit until they have completely untangled themselves. NOTE: Tell kids to hold hands gently so no one has their wrists or fingers hurt.

Posted by KRS 15 years ago
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