True False Run

An active, icebreaker, camp game for large groups

How To Play True False Run

The group stands in the middle of a room (or if outside, between two markers eg cones). one wall/marker is nominated 'true' and the other 'false'.

The leader reads a statement, eg 'bats aren't actually blind'. On 'Run!' the kids must run for whichever side they think is correct - true or false - and whoever reaches the correct wall/marker first wins. STAYING IN THE CENTRE IS NOT AN OPTION. Disqualify stragglers if necessary.
Tally the winners on a board and award the overall champion a prize.
Alternatively, the kids who choose the wrong answer are eliminated, and only the correct side continue to the next round.

This game can also be played with bible teaching, eg 'All twelve apostles were Jews' etc.

Added by
on 22 May 2011


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My campers loved this game. We played for a whole hour without them getting tired. Planning on playing this game again.

Posted by Shardai 2 years ago

Does the group congregate back to the middle after each question?

Posted by Myrtha 5 years ago

I like the format and intent of this game very much and will let you know how our youth respond.

Posted by P. HESLOP 5 years ago

I have just read the instructions to this game haven't played it yet... But I kno it's gonna be awesome and fun.

Posted by Ragel barrett 5 years ago

I did check my post

Posted by Shamahlon 5 years ago

Puzzles in groups are great too

Posted by Valia 5 years ago

Thanks so much! This game sounds awesome! Can't wait to play this with the kids!

Posted by Miriam 6 years ago

Does the group congregate back to the middle of the room for each question?

Posted by Jeff 6 years ago

Thanks so much for this idea. An idea to consider: in addition to using Bible trivia ("the 10 commandments were written on both sides of the tablets" - true, Ex 32:15; "Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden apple" - false, Bible only says "fruit"), we're planning to include trivia about the youth group leaders (e.g. "Jeremy is colour blind").

Good way for the youths to know their leaders better and inject additional humour into the game, especially when the facts are quirky!

Posted by Sandra 8 years ago

Suprbbb game to play....

Posted by Rexcy 8 years ago

best game I have read on this site so far. Thanks!!

Posted by Jim 12 years ago
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