Team-based games
Giants, Wizards, and Elves
Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...
Top & Bottom Tag
Gather your players into two teams. Tell one team to put one of their hands on their head, and...
Velcro Puzzle Beanie Relay
This game has worked brilliantly every time I've played it at my youth group. It's one of those games...
Revolving Dodgeball
1. Divide the playing area into a circle of 4 equal triangles (An AWANA circle layout to divide the gym into 4...
Speed Ball
Divide the kids into two teams, even numbers of guys and girls on both team work best! Make one...
Toothpaste Challenge
Give the kids either in pairs or as individuals a plate and a tube of toothpaste. The bigger tubes...
Extreme Cake Decorating
This game requires a fair bit of trouble and preparedness, but it's worth it if you have the time....
Zombie Tag
Split into teams of two. One person is the zombie and is blindfolded. The other person guides the zombie...
Capture the Flag
Capture the flag is one of the most popular wide games ever and is great to play on a...
Fruit Surgery
This game is best played in teams of three or less. Each team will get a fruit item (banana,...
Spot The Difference
Divide your group into two teams. Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second...
Make It Out Of A Chair
First, you split up into groups of 3-5. You should have at least three teams to play. Each team...
Players are separated into equal teams and given their own colored flag-football flags which are worn around their waist....
Pool Noodle Ball
Played this game with my junior youth (Kids Club - 6 to 12 year old). Have one of the leaders be...
The Toothpaste Game
Divide into teams of three. One person needs the the toothpaste and mask in each team. Another person needs...
Apple Eat Tag
Ask for two volunteers. These people will attempt to tip everyone else, in order to do this they must...
The Bible Sells
Split up your group into equal sized teams. Five players each team works best, but can be adjusted to...
Ice Cream Snowmen
In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...
Feet Pictionary
Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...
Ship Wreck
Divide the kids into teams of around 10 people. Each team will need a "ship" - this could be a...
Water Sponge
How To Play: Teachers will split students into two teams. There will be a sponge with water next to...
Burger Chef
Create work stations in your venue to allow groups to work in relative privacy. Divide the youth group in...
Two Legged Race
How to Play: Partner up pairs of two (Usually an older kid and a younger kid.) Velcro the partners...
This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...
Human Noughts and Crosses
Draw a giant sized Noughts and crosses grid in the middle of the room/yard/field. Divide your group...
Generation Jeopardy
Basically this is a fun game of Jeopardy. I went through and picked 5 topics that I thought our students...
Hong Kong Ping Pong
You have 4 teams of two. Each team gets two tries whoever misses twice first gets out. They must rotate....
The timeless classic game - dodgeball - requires little set up effort and is always a winner. There are...
Don't Blink
Overview: Time to embrace my inner nerd! This is a game based off a certain British science fiction TV...
45 Seconds
This activity is very simple and can be used for a wide variety of ages. 1) The group splits up...
Alien Invasion
1) Give ten players a glowstick for the game, which they will wear around their wrists. Obviously, the game is...
Charlie's Candy
This game is based on the great children's movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." You're going to need a...
Blatterball is essentially a cross between soccer and dodgeball [1]. It's named in honour of the former head of FIFA,...
Tangle (Royal Rangers Romania)
Break the group into 2 teams of 3 players. The players of each team will be tied up together by their...
Reverse Dodgeball
1. Break up into even teams 2. Pick a captain for each team who will begin on the dodgeball court 3. The...
Get a volunteer to be the President, once they are chosen divide the rest of the kids into 2 unequal...
Steal the Bacon
This game is simple and is a great icebreaker among youth groups and camps. Divide the group into four...
Hungry Hungry Humans
Setup: First you make a very large circle of chairs, or tables on their sides. This can also be...
Lifesavers Relay
1) At youth group, break everyone into three teams. If you are at a camp and have a group system,...
Nuke 'Em
1. Create 2 teams. 2. Begin the game by throwing the ball over the net. 3. The goal of the game is to...
Reformation - The Wide Game
This is a wide game that we played on our last youth camp. It should run for a couple...
I'm all about that blue (no yellow)
This game is vaguely related to both Foosball and pinball, is reasonably active, and can be played indoors. Useful...
Kings in Grass Castles
This is an outdoor game combining tag/chasey/tiggy/tips, bluff, and a healthy dose of running around like...
Hitchhiker's Teeball
Hitchhiker's Teeball is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike teeball. Now that we've got that over with, this game...
Raining Balloons
1. Blow up all the balloons bought and evenly distribute them into 2 different large garage bags (do this beforehand) 2. Divide...
The Picture Project
1: break up the group into teams of 3-5 (make sure team captain has a smart phone) 2: each team captain...
Human Stratego
How to play: 1. Divide the group into 2 teams. 2. Each team goes to the opposite end of the field where...
Confederate Rugby
Rugby, I am generally advised, is a glorious sport that demonstrates the very pinnacle of human achievement, or some...
Matt Ball
The two bases are at opposite ends (much like the distance of a basketball court). Each base has one...
Milk Jug Lacrosse
Each person has a milk jug. There are no boundaries set. Each team has a goal they are to...