Large group games

Page 3 of 5 (212 games found)

Party Blower Matchbox Race

Line up everyone is one long line then give each child a party blower and empty match box. On...

mini-olympics duel active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost


Bases An Outdoor Team Game Overview: Bases is a fast-paced outdoor game that combines elements of Capture the Flag,...

wide team-building active large-groups outdoors multiple-teams standard no-mess over-20-dollars

Find a Wordle

"A different type of find a word" This website allows you to generate cool 'wordles'. They are like a...

memory relaxed large-groups play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost


Get the group to stand in a circle facing inwards. Choose one player to stand in the centre of...

active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Shuffle Bums

You get all the chairs in a circle and have the people playing sit on them. Make sure there...

icebreakers active large-groups circle play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Creative Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts can be epic fun and there are many different ways to do them. This "Creative" Scavenger Hunt...

team-building camp large-groups active wide night non-contact play-anywhere multiple-teams long no-mess no-cost

Going Up or Going Down?

You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...

team-building small-groups icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Poison Pole

This is a simple and easy game that everyone in our youth loves!! You have a pole (a broom...

active large-groups indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


A classic and fun party game for all ages! 1. Get players to sit in a circle facing inwards. 2. Pick...

junior icebreakers relaxed large-groups circle no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Snowball Fight

This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


This game is to be played in the dark and it an awesome choice to play as a night...

wide team-building junior active large-groups indoors cooperative long no-mess no-cost

Giants, Wizards, and Elves

Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...

team-building no-prep large-groups junior active wide icebreakers drama play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Top & Bottom Tag

Gather your players into two teams. Tell one team to put one of their hands on their head, and...

junior icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Marco Polo On Land

This is the same concept as the water version only with rule variations to make it work well on...

junior active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Preacher Pratt

Students will sit in a half circle and try to work their way to the beginning seat by responding...

large-groups active play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


Everyone gets into groups of three. Two people stand facing each other and join hands to create an arch...

active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Toothpaste Challenge

Give the kids either in pairs or as individuals a plate and a tube of toothpaste. The bigger tubes...

food duel large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Human Traffic Lights

Whilst the music is playing, all players must dance around the room and when the music stops players must...

music large-groups active icebreakers drama play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Campers and Tents

Everyone needs to pair up and one becomes the camper (pref. the smaller person) while the other becomes a...

large-groups junior active indoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Capture the Flag

Capture the flag is one of the most popular wide games ever and is great to play on a...

wide water team-building camp active large-groups night play-anywhere multiple-teams standard some-mess under-20-dollars


Get the youth to make a circle with the chairs facing inwards. There needs to be one less chair...

icebreakers active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Flour Mountain

First fill the bowl with flour then put the plate over it and then flip it over making sure...

food large-groups indoors all-on-all quick extreme-mess no-cost

Giver Or Taker

Everyone sits in a circle like playing "duck, duck, goose!" the leader reads a story. Through out the story...

junior relaxed large-groups play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess under-20-dollars


Players are separated into equal teams and given their own colored flag-football flags which are worn around their waist....

wide team-building sports camp active large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Paper Telephone

Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...

small-groups icebreakers relaxed artistic large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

Question Circle Rotate

This is a fantastic "get to know you" game. Split the kids into two groups - tell one group...

icebreakers large-groups circle no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

End of the World

Make a large circle with the rope on the floor, have the group stand in the centre of the...

team-building active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Make It Out Of A Chair

First, you split up into groups of 3-5. You should have at least three teams to play. Each team...

team-building icebreakers artistic large-groups indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Capture the End Zone

The object of this game is the first team to score. You will need to play several rounds to...

wide sports active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost


1. Choose one person to be the "Danger Alert" or choose an adult or a group leader or something. Give...

wide team-building junior icebreakers camp active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Creeping Closer

Select one person from your group to be the captain. They must stand on one side of the playing...

team-building active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

The Bible Sells

Split up your group into equal sized teams. Five players each team works best, but can be adjusted to...

team-building icebreakers drama large-groups video-call play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Just Dance Live

Based on the game for Kinnect or Wii, this is a simple fun, high energy group game for your...

music icebreakers artistic active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

Packing Peanut Tower

Don’t throw away those packing peanuts from all those online packages you’ve had delivered recently – they’ll...

team-building large-groups small-groups artistic play-anywhere cooperative quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Rock Paper Anything

This game could work really well as an "up the front duel" type of game or as an "all...

icebreakers duel active large-groups no-prep video-call play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Spaghetti and Marshmallows

Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...

team-building small-groups icebreakers artistic large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Human What's Missing?

This is a great game for learning names and getting used to each other. It's based on the whats...

junior icebreakers relaxed large-groups video-call non-contact indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Ice Cream Snowmen

In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...

small-groups food junior duel artistic large-groups outdoors multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Orky? Snorky!

A group of players sit in circle. One person is placed standing in the middle of the circle and...

small-groups icebreakers active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost

Ship Wreck

Divide the kids into teams of around 10 people. Each team will need a "ship" - this could be a...

team-building active large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Gaga Ball

This is a wildly popular indoor exhausting game. The game begins with all participants touching a wall. The dodge...

camp large-groups active indoors all-on-all standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Burger Chef

Create work stations in your venue to allow groups to work in relative privacy. Divide the youth group in...

team-building small-groups food duel large-groups indoors multiple-teams long extreme-mess over-20-dollars


It's essentially tip, but when you get tipped you sit down where you were tipped. Once you've been tipped...

sports active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Shoe Kick

Basically, all students stand in one straight row. According to if they are right or left handed, that's the...

duel camp active large-groups outdoors cooperative quick some-mess no-cost

Duck Duck Splash

How to Play: This game is basically Duck Duck Goose except instead of tapping the persons head and saying...

water icebreakers camp large-groups circle outdoors cooperative quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Chinese Dodgeball

This is a game that you will want to play in an open area such as outside or in...

wide sports small-groups large-groups active play-anywhere up-front-duel standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Generation Jeopardy

Basically this is a fun game of Jeopardy. I went through and picked 5 topics that I thought our students...

team-building music icebreakers large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars


The timeless classic game - dodgeball - requires little set up effort and is always a winner. There are...

team-building sports large-groups camp active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Amoeba Tag

If you don't know anything about science, an Amoeba is a type of cell that eats other cells by...

wide team-building large-groups junior icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost

Four Corners

This is one of the simplest games I've known, but it still adds up to fun. Hopefully someone hasn't...

wide large-groups junior camp active indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

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