Campers and Tents

An active game for junior youth and large groups

How To Play Campers and Tents

Materials Needed

People and a spacious area.

Everyone needs to pair up and one becomes the camper (pref. the smaller person) while the other becomes a tent.

You all form a circle with the tents standing up holding the arms up high forming a roof, while the campers sit in front of them cross-legged.

The leader shouts out "Campers", they have to go through the legs of the tent and run around the circle and back under the legs till they are back where they were. Last one is out.

The leader shouts "Tents", they all run around till they are back where they were. Last one is out.

There is to be no pushing and no overtaking unless it's outside the slower runner.

Note: the title of this game has been modified from it's original submission based on feedback via the comments section

Added by
James M
on 24 April 2012


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Well said Caro, John, Sasha and Abby! And thank you Sylvia for reminding us to think critically! I completely agree! We all have a responsibility to educate and role model where there are opportunities. And yes, fun game - I encourage "campers and tents" or even "campers and tent poles".

As for the comments about the relax...Mal we should never take stereotypes as 'lighthearted, good fun'. That only breeds more ignorance and intolerance - even if we think we are doing it in the spirit of fun. Think. Use your brains and critical thinking skills. Yes enjoy the game, but be responsible socially too. :) It's a great way to be the change in a world filled with intolerance and racism. :) Love the suggestions for alternate name - thank you!!! :)

Posted by Cindy 5 years ago

Relax! Just enjoy the game for what it is.

Posted by Mal 5 years ago

Excellent game. Just change the name, please. I am a native person, and while I am tolerant to those who may be ignorant to some of the ways racism through stereotypes can be displayed in children's games and other ways in daily life, I think the name should be changed. I do not mean to offend by making the following comment, I only intend to give some further perspective but; what if the game were called honky's and trailers? Some may not take offense to that but in a broader perspective what would that teach native children about how we should think about white people? We need to be careful about the subliminal things we are teaching our children even in something as simple as a games name. Not all natives lived in teepees. And we there is no solid scientific evidence to prove native people that are indigenous to what are now called the America's and Canada were originally from India. In my opinion, if we are educating children properly we should be careful not to use offensive or derogatory terminology.Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Posted by John 6 years ago

This is awful. As an Indigenous person, I think people need to become more educated before using our culture and people as a game. We are not "Indians", we are Indigenous. We are Inuit. We are Metis. We are Ojibway. We are Mohawk. We are First Peoples.

Posted by Sasha 6 years ago

Agree with the comments about the name change. Indigenous Peoples are called First Nations/Metis/Inuit in Canada and Native American in America, when speaking about them broadly and politically. Not only is using the term Indian inaccurate and a term given to the First Peoples, this game presents a stereotype and limited view of who they are and how they live (both historically and in present day).
Could be a fun game. I like the idea of calling it Campers and Tents.

Posted by Abby 6 years ago

The description is a little confusing but seems like a fun game. However no one uses the term indian anymore, it's first nations or Native American. We are not descendents from india therefore we are not indians. Great game though!

Posted by Tbp 6 years ago

gordan ramsey u said it!!

Posted by Dayton Rabe 6 years ago

good game! people need to get over the racial garbage. They are indians. thats what they are. there is nothing bad about tthat

Posted by gordan ramsay 6 years ago

its offensive because native americans /indigenous people prefer not to have the term "indians" used by others to refer to a stereotype. Indians and teepees have been used in many offensive ways

Posted by Caro 7 years ago

How is the name offensive? One is an Indian and one is a teepee and it is a game. What is so offensive about that?

Posted by DaytonRabe 7 years ago

Another name could be tents and campers: great for if you're on a camp!

Posted by Claire 9 years ago

This sounds like a fun game but I would be interested in a name or idea that isn't racial. The name is offensive.

Posted by Sylvia 9 years ago

so do the teepees face inwards while making a circle? then the indians crawl under their legs to the outside of the circle and run around it?

Posted by Lee 10 years ago

You form a circle with your partner. Teepees stand behind partner and Indians sit down in front of Teepees

Posted by James m 12 years ago

how do they form a circle if there in pairs im really confused but i really like the game

Posted by Claudia 12 years ago
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