Junior youth games

Page 2 of 3 (147 games found)

Play Dough Pictionary

Split the group into groups of about 5 pleople and distribute them around the room. Each group is given a...

team-building junior icebreakers duel artistic active video-call play-anywhere multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Steal The Keys

Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around...

small-groups junior relaxed active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Table Topics

This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...

small-groups junior icebreakers relaxed non-contact play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess over-20-dollars

Trash Can Game

The whole group joins hands in a circle around the trash can. While holding hands, on the count of...

large-groups junior circle active indoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Bible Centred

Balance a bible on a chair in the middle of your playing area. Form a circle around the bible,...

junior active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Guess Who's Under The Blankets

This game can be played with 2-? players, but it is best with 4-10. Players take turns being the...

junior relaxed indoors all-on-all standard some-mess no-cost


Create two teams out of your youth group. We usually separate with girls vs boys but that's not necessary...

team-building sports junior active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Twice Round the Marquee

You find a large building (whatever one you hold youth in) and you send one leader round clockwise walking...

junior active outdoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Alphabet Concentration

This can be played in a pair, a small group or a larger crowd - but the more people...

junior drama relaxed small-groups large-groups no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Body Part Musical Chairs

So I am a sunday school teacher at my church and I have found this youth group game to...

music junior active large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick some-mess no-cost

Dizzy Donkey

Love this game - so funny... 1. Beforehand, cut out a pair of donkey ears using the cardboard or paper. 2....

junior active play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

Speed Cricket

This game has proven to be a real hit. We play it inside after our bible study has finished....

team-building junior active play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Key Game

You can do this with any amount of kids you would like (min of 5 kids per team) the more...

team-building junior active large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost

Printable Mazes

OK, a bit boring I know, but I have used the mazes found at KrazyDad's site (http://www.krazydad...

junior relaxed indoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Simple Word Games

There are many simple word games you can find at the website listed. Some of them can be played...

team-building junior icebreakers duel relaxed large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Matchstick Truth or Lie

Before playing, designate two actions for 'true' and 'false' (such as hands on heads or hands behind back) and...

small-groups junior icebreakers relaxed circle play-anywhere cooperative standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Moshi Moshi

This is the Japanese version of Telephone. Sit in a circle. Pick one person to be "IT" - that...

junior relaxed no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

All participants sit in a circle. The leader begins, saying "Ali Baba and the forty thieves" while doing a...

junior drama relaxed no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost


An action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to football and ultimate, two teams try...

wide team-building sports junior active no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost


A classic and fun party game for all ages! 1. Get players to sit in a circle facing inwards. 2. Pick...

junior icebreakers relaxed large-groups circle no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Running Twister

We’ve put a twist on “Twister” making it even more… twisty?! Definitely a slightly less awkward version of...

junior active play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost


This game is to be played in the dark and it an awesome choice to play as a night...

wide team-building junior active large-groups indoors cooperative long no-mess no-cost

Giants, Wizards, and Elves

Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...

team-building no-prep large-groups junior active wide icebreakers drama play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Top & Bottom Tag

Gather your players into two teams. Tell one team to put one of their hands on their head, and...

junior icebreakers active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Marco Polo On Land

This is the same concept as the water version only with rule variations to make it work well on...

junior active large-groups play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Campers and Tents

Everyone needs to pair up and one becomes the camper (pref. the smaller person) while the other becomes a...

large-groups junior active indoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Giver Or Taker

Everyone sits in a circle like playing "duck, duck, goose!" the leader reads a story. Through out the story...

junior relaxed large-groups play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Pool Noodle Ball

Played this game with my junior youth (Kids Club - 6 to 12 year old). Have one of the leaders be...

sports junior active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess under-20-dollars


1. Choose one person to be the "Danger Alert" or choose an adult or a group leader or something. Give...

wide team-building junior icebreakers camp active large-groups no-prep play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess under-20-dollars

No Sir, Not I Sir (Prince of Paris)

This is a high paced game of concentration and reaction time. The goal of the game is to become #1...

small-groups memory junior circle active indoors all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost

Feet Pictionary

Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...

team-building junior icebreakers relaxed camp artistic play-anywhere multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost

Human What's Missing?

This is a great game for learning names and getting used to each other. It's based on the whats...

junior icebreakers relaxed large-groups video-call non-contact indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Ice Cream Snowmen

In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...

small-groups food junior duel artistic large-groups outdoors multiple-teams quick some-mess under-20-dollars

Stretchy Snakes

Each person is given a lolly snake. They have a time limit to make the longest snake by stretching...

small-groups food junior relaxed video-call play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess under-20-dollars

That's a Bunch of Baloney

Have 2 teams of 2 come up. The teams stand 10-15 feet away from each other. Hand all 4 players an equal...

food junior camp play-anywhere up-front-duel quick some-mess under-20-dollars


This game works a lot like psychiatrist but has it's own twist and humor. Start out by having one...

small-groups junior relaxed no-prep indoors cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Doggy Doggy Who's Got Your Bone?

This is a classic kids party game and is great fun especially for a group of junior youth kids....

small-groups junior relaxed play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess no-cost

Amoeba Tag

If you don't know anything about science, an Amoeba is a type of cell that eats other cells by...

wide team-building large-groups junior icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost

Four Corners

This is one of the simplest games I've known, but it still adds up to fun. Hopefully someone hasn't...

wide large-groups junior camp active indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Pass the Parcel

Pass the Parcel is a classic kid's party game and can be played on many different occasions - at...

relaxed circle junior small-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars


Blatterball is essentially a cross between soccer and dodgeball [1]. It's named in honour of the former head of FIFA,...

sports junior active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Pass the Potato

Overview: This game combines "hot potato" with elements of tag. It can get very competitive with more people. Where...

active camp duel junior large-groups small-groups outdoors all-on-all standard some-mess under-20-dollars

Human Target

This is a very simple game (really an activity) which can be used to review information you have taught. 1....

active junior water play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

10-Second Hide and Seek

Have you ever wanted to play hide and seek, but found that the playing space was simply too small...

active junior small-groups no-prep indoors up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

Bippity Bop-Bop

1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...

relaxed circle junior large-groups small-groups no-prep play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Answer Race

1. Prepare four sheets of questions. Each sheet represents one suit (diamond, hearts, clubs, spades). On each sheet write a...

active junior large-groups small-groups play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

Chair of Doom

Have everyone hold hands in a ring around the chair. The object of the game is to be the...

small-groups large-groups junior circle active indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Bees Vs. Wasps

This is a fun run around church wide game I play with our middle-schoolers. The amount of nerf guns,...

wide night large-groups junior active indoors cooperative standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Pool Noodle Tape Hockey

Two teams, each team has to score in the other teams goal. Players can hold the pool noodle however...

junior active sports indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Action Netball

You get 2 chairs sitting on the opposite ends of the playing area. Then you separate your group into 2 teams....

wide team-building sports small-groups large-groups junior duel camp active outdoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

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