Non-contact games
Two Truths And A Tale
For this great get to know you game, each person must make three statements about themselves, one of which...
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
Never Have I Ever
Hold out 5 fingers (well, 4 and your thumb) Go around the circle and one at a time, each person announces...
True False Run
The group stands in the middle of a room (or if outside, between two markers eg cones). one wall...
Chair on the Wall
There is no equipment required for this game, except a blank patch of smooth wall. Line up against the...
Biblical Detectives
This kind of thing can be really fun if it is done properly and works out well. Basically the...
House of Cards
Pretty much self explanitory, as the name suggests - get each player/team to build a house of cards....
Animal Noise Game
A great ice breaker game which is sure to lighten the mood and get people feeling comfortable around one...
Musical Statues
I usually call this game dance and stop, because then the rules are even easier to explain. Play music,...
Silent Ball
Get everyone to stand around the room in random places. Then it's as simple as telling everyone to be...
Icebreaker Questions
A great way to help people open up to each other is to ask them fun questions that allow...
Four on the Couch
Object: To have only your gender sitting on the couch. Set-Up: If you don't have a couch large enough...
Mafia is a classic campfire game played at many youth camps, summer camps and scout camps before. In some...
Take Two!
This is basically a quicker, more action-packed version of scrabble! Get 4 players (or possibly 4 pairs/groups) to each start...
True or False?
A great way to reinforce what has just been taught... Instead of the traditional pop-quiz to see how much...
Heads or Tails?
A good game for revising what has been learnt. Similar to heads or tails, person up the front asks...
If I Went to Mars...
Group is seated in circle. First person begins, 'My name is ... If I went to Mars, I would take....
Wink Them To Sleep
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Wink Murder" Arrange the whole group seated in a circle and...
Lima Bean Relay Race
Give each team member a straw. Place two tables about 10 feet apart. One the first table have a paper...
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Bang!" Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The...
Bible Rap-Off
Create two groups of as many as possible and give them a long bible verse each. Tell the two...
Get To Know You Hey!
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Get To Know You Bang" This is the "get to know...
Table Topics
This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...
Celebrity Articulate
If you've ever played the famous board game "Articulate" then you'll love this game. It usually is easier to...
Rock Paper Scissors Evolution
This game is a fantastic group mixer ice breaker activity. Players must wander around the room and battle each...
Creative Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts can be epic fun and there are many different ways to do them. This "Creative" Scavenger Hunt...
Spot The Difference
Divide your group into two teams. Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second...
Human What's Missing?
This is a great game for learning names and getting used to each other. It's based on the whats...
This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...
Monsters inc. (sully says)
Works very similar to Simon says or just as a fun way of keeping everyone warm without the sully...
Rubber Band Cup Stacking
Players work together in teams to stack cups using a rubber band pulled by strings.
Zone Soccer
A human-sized version of foosball. Players play a normal game of soccer, each needing to stay in their designated...
Charades is a classic family game of acting and guesses. It's been around for a fair while but we'll...
Beanbag Toss
Mark a line and then arrange a collection of targets a few metres away. The targets could be buckets,...
The long-time favourite American classic game of Cornhole, otherwise known as beanbag toss or sack toss, is a fantastic...
Chalk Street Art Challenge
Divide kids into teams and hand out plenty of good quality sidewalk chalk. Explain their challenge is to come...
Creative Hopscotch
To play hopscotch, players must hop and jump along a hopscotch course. Usually a course consists of single or...
Walk the Chalk Maze
SETUP Find a big concrete area that's suitable for drawing on with chalk. Using pencil and paper, design a...
This fast thinking game designed for youth group video calls is perfect for providing a laugh for any sized...