Team building activities and games

Page 3 of 3 (144 games found)

Spaghetti and Marshmallows

Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...

team-building small-groups icebreakers artistic large-groups play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Feet Pictionary

Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...

team-building junior icebreakers relaxed camp artistic play-anywhere multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost

Ship Wreck

Divide the kids into teams of around 10 people. Each team will need a "ship" - this could be a...

team-building active large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Sitting Soccer

Objective/Rules: Score the soccer ball on one end of the line WITHOUT letting one's back-side leave the chair....

team-building sports icebreakers relaxed play-anywhere cooperative quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Burger Chef

Create work stations in your venue to allow groups to work in relative privacy. Divide the youth group in...

team-building small-groups food duel large-groups indoors multiple-teams long extreme-mess over-20-dollars


This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...

team-building small-groups memory icebreakers circle relaxed non-contact indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Generation Jeopardy

Basically this is a fun game of Jeopardy. I went through and picked 5 topics that I thought our students...

team-building music icebreakers large-groups play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Hong Kong Ping Pong

You have 4 teams of two. Each team gets two tries whoever misses twice first gets out. They must rotate....

team-building sports camp indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Amoeba Tag

If you don't know anything about science, an Amoeba is a type of cell that eats other cells by...

wide team-building large-groups junior icebreakers active no-prep play-anywhere cooperative standard no-mess no-cost


The timeless classic game - dodgeball - requires little set up effort and is always a winner. There are...

team-building sports large-groups camp active play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Don't Blink

Overview: Time to embrace my inner nerd! This is a game based off a certain British science fiction TV...

active camp large-groups night simulation team-building wide indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Alien Invasion

1) Give ten players a glowstick for the game, which they will wear around their wrists. Obviously, the game is...

active camp large-groups night simulation team-building wide play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars


Get a volunteer to be the President, once they are chosen divide the rest of the kids into 2 unequal...

active large-groups night team-building play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Steal the Bacon

This game is simple and is a great icebreaker among youth groups and camps. Divide the group into four...

active camp icebreakers large-groups team-building wide play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Cardboard Camelot

Separate your group into teams of 3-4 each. One member of each team will be the Champion, and the...

team-building indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Hitchhiker's Teeball

Hitchhiker's Teeball is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike teeball. Now that we've got that over with, this game...

team-building active play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Raining Balloons

1. Blow up all the balloons bought and evenly distribute them into 2 different large garage bags (do this beforehand) 2. Divide...

active icebreakers large-groups team-building wide indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

The Picture Project

1: break up the group into teams of 3-5 (make sure team captain has a smart phone) 2: each team captain...

artistic camp team-building play-anywhere multiple-teams long no-mess no-cost

Wave- Hide and seek

There is one person who is the seeker, the rest of the people are hiders. The seeker puts the...

active camp large-groups team-building wide play-anywhere cooperative long no-mess no-cost

Confederate Rugby

Rugby, I am generally advised, is a glorious sport that demonstrates the very pinnacle of human achievement, or some...

active sports team-building play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Matt Ball

The two bases are at opposite ends (much like the distance of a basketball court). Each base has one...

active camp large-groups small-groups sports team-building indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Milk Jug Lacrosse

Each person has a milk jug. There are no boundaries set. Each team has a goal they are to...

active large-groups mini-olympics small-groups sports team-building wide indoors multiple-teams long no-mess no-cost

Return of the Jedi (Hide and Seek Freeze Tag in the Dark)

The goal of the game is to defeat Darth Vader(preferably a youth leader) before he finds and freezes...

active team-building night indoors cooperative standard some-mess no-cost

The Stories of Your Names

Divide group into smaller groups (3-4 people). Give each group 1 sheet of paper and a pencil. Write every person's...

icebreakers relaxed artistic team-building small-groups indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Monsters inc. (sully says)

Works very similar to Simon says or just as a fun way of keeping everyone warm without the sully...

active drama icebreakers junior large-groups memory small-groups team-building non-contact indoors all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Category Chaos

This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...

no-prep small-groups relaxed icebreakers team-building video-call non-contact play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

Rubber Band Cup Stacking

Players work together in teams to stack cups using a rubber band pulled by strings.

team-building junior active icebreakers non-contact play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess under-20-dollars

Atlas Shrugged

1. Split your group into 2-4 teams. Each team has a Frisbee and an end zone. 2. They start in the...

sports team-building camp large-groups active small-groups wide indoors multiple-teams standard some-mess no-cost


Charades is a classic family game of acting and guesses. It's been around for a fair while but we'll...

small-groups drama active junior camp team-building non-contact play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Poisonous stump

Want your friends to fall into the poison zone? Then this is the perfect game for you! Get ready...

sports team-building duel no-prep camp large-groups junior active circle small-groups wide indoors all-on-all standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Sneaky Rope Battle

This is a two player battle game, perfect for a one-on-one duel or up the front challenge. Place the...

mini-olympics team-building duel active small-groups icebreakers play-anywhere up-front-duel quick no-mess no-cost

The Floor Is Lava

Imaginations turn the floor into super hot lava and require players to avoid touching it at all costs. No...

active no-prep team-building play-anywhere all-on-all standard no-mess no-cost


The long-time favourite American classic game of Cornhole, otherwise known as beanbag toss or sack toss, is a fantastic...

mini-olympics sports team-building duel active non-contact indoors multiple-teams standard some-mess over-20-dollars

Christmas Gift Giving

Live out the focus of Christmas by working together to give gifts to others in need

team-building food small-groups relaxed artistic indoors cooperative long some-mess over-20-dollars

Balloon Team Keep Up

A massive team vs team competition of trying to keep as many balloons in the air for as long...

active duel team-building indoors multiple-teams standard no-mess under-20-dollars

Glowstick Grab

teams compete to be the first to collect their glowsticks

team-building large-groups active wide night indoors multiple-teams long no-mess under-20-dollars

Corner Spry Relay

Fast ball throwing action makes for a very competitive old-school relay

active large-groups team-building sports play-anywhere multiple-teams quick no-mess no-cost

Freeze Frame

Not quite charades, not quite pictionary, something in between...

team-building no-prep small-groups drama non-contact play-anywhere multiple-teams standard no-mess no-cost

Pencil Tippers

Each player balances a pencil on the back of their finger, if it drops, they’re out!

team-building no-prep large-groups junior small-groups relaxed play-anywhere all-on-all quick no-mess no-cost

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