Outdoor games
Get the youth to make a circle with the chairs facing inwards. There needs to be one less chair...
Explosive Relay
Split into two groups and go to opposite sides of the room. You can either play this game in...
Giver Or Taker
Everyone sits in a circle like playing "duck, duck, goose!" the leader reads a story. Through out the story...
Spot The Difference
Divide your group into two teams. Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second...
Target Tag
Prep: have each person write their name on a piece of paper and fold it in half. Each person...
Zombie Tag
Split into teams of two. One person is the zombie and is blindfolded. The other person guides the zombie...
Fruit Surgery
This game is best played in teams of three or less. Each team will get a fruit item (banana,...
Players are separated into equal teams and given their own colored flag-football flags which are worn around their waist....
Paper Telephone
Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...
Question Circle Rotate
This is a fantastic "get to know you" game. Split the kids into two groups - tell one group...
Big Ball Volleyball
1. Sort your youth group into two teams and then move them to the volleyball court laid out earlier. 2. With...
Big Feed
The idea of this game is to feed people, who are sitting on their hands, with a spoon stuck...
Electric Bean Bag
1. You place the 3 bean bags or pillows in the centre of the gaming area. 2. Participants make a circle around...
End of the World
Make a large circle with the rope on the floor, have the group stand in the centre of the...
Hit the Hundred
Cut out cardboard circles and make a target. Smallest one is the hundred, second smallest is 90 and so on....
Marco Chicken
Divide the playing group into two teams. One team should be blindfolded. They can call out "marco". The other...
Pool Noodle Ball
Played this game with my junior youth (Kids Club - 6 to 12 year old). Have one of the leaders be...
Tired of Being Weak?
Objective: Rip the phonebook into 2 pieces evenly Players needed: Unlimited (the more the better) Instructions: Get a few volunteers...
Capture the End Zone
The object of this game is the first team to score. You will need to play several rounds to...
1. Choose one person to be the "Danger Alert" or choose an adult or a group leader or something. Give...
Pregnant Penguin
1. Everyone sits on a chair distrbuted randomly around the room. 2. A penguin is picked randomly. 3. The penguin stands in...
The Toothpaste Game
Divide into teams of three. One person needs the the toothpaste and mask in each team. Another person needs...
Wiz Bang Bounce
Its as if you have an invisible ball you are passing around the circle. there are a few different...
Apple Eat Tag
Ask for two volunteers. These people will attempt to tip everyone else, in order to do this they must...
Creeping Closer
Select one person from your group to be the captain. They must stand on one side of the playing...
The Bible Sells
Split up your group into equal sized teams. Five players each team works best, but can be adjusted to...
Just Dance Live
Based on the game for Kinnect or Wii, this is a simple fun, high energy group game for your...
Packing Peanut Tower
Don’t throw away those packing peanuts from all those online packages you’ve had delivered recently – they’ll...
Rock Paper Anything
This game could work really well as an "up the front duel" type of game or as an "all...
Scoop Ball Lacrosse
Basic Rules: Pass the ball teammate to teammate and try to score a goal for your team (lacrosse-style) Explanation:...
Zip Bong
Stand in a circle and cover you teeth with your lips, almost as if you were impersonating an elder...
Cookies And Cream
Fill each bowl (enough for all the players) with cream and place a cookie in each bowl. Set up...
Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...
The Clobberin' Game
So this one works great for my lot of kids, might not work for all though. Every one sits...
Feet Pictionary
Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...
Ice Cream Snowmen
In teams, give the kids an even amount of ice cream on a plate, on a table outside. Using...
Orky? Snorky!
A group of players sit in circle. One person is placed standing in the middle of the circle and...
Ship Wreck
Divide the kids into teams of around 10 people. Each team will need a "ship" - this could be a...
Zombie Rush
Basically like a game of tips, but the people that are in must cover one eye with their hand,...
Sitting Soccer
Objective/Rules: Score the soccer ball on one end of the line WITHOUT letting one's back-side leave the chair....
Stretchy Snakes
Each person is given a lolly snake. They have a time limit to make the longest snake by stretching...
That's a Bunch of Baloney
Have 2 teams of 2 come up. The teams stand 10-15 feet away from each other. Hand all 4 players an equal...
Water Sponge
How To Play: Teachers will split students into two teams. There will be a sponge with water next to...
Don't Let The Witch Get You!
You need to assign participants to play the witch, the mother, and the babysitter or oldest child. Assign the...
It's essentially tip, but when you get tipped you sit down where you were tipped. Once you've been tipped...
Personalities in Names
1. Each person will get a piece of paper and a pencil/pen. 2. Write down your name vertically down the...
Shoe Kick
Basically, all students stand in one straight row. According to if they are right or left handed, that's the...
Duck Duck Splash
How to Play: This game is basically Duck Duck Goose except instead of tapping the persons head and saying...
Two Legged Race
How to Play: Partner up pairs of two (Usually an older kid and a younger kid.) Velcro the partners...
Chinese Dodgeball
This is a game that you will want to play in an open area such as outside or in...