Small group games for team building
Ultimate Icebreaker
This game is the ultimate icebreaker. Needs a bit a prep before hand - fill up some trays with...
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
The Tangled Chain
Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...
Divide your group into 2 teams. Each person writes the name of a well known person they would like to...
Skit Night
We came up with this at our first lock-in 3 years ago and it is one of our most requested...
Helium Stick
You can do this team building activity with a single group (maybe as an team growth activity for your...
Going Up or Going Down?
You start by splitting everyone up into teams of two. Everyone is standing and has their backs against each...
The Human Slingshot
It's an exhilarating, fast-paced game that involves four people slinging each other back and forth within a human sized...
Straws and Rubberbands
1) Each person gets a straw 2) The straw must be held using their mouth 3) They have to pass the rubberband...
Aardvark Race
Set the game up by having two lots of two bowls facing each other. One on one side of...
Extreme Cake Decorating
This game requires a fair bit of trouble and preparedness, but it's worth it if you have the time....
Packing Peanut Tower
Don’t throw away those packing peanuts from all those online packages you’ve had delivered recently – they’ll...
Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti...
Burger Chef
Create work stations in your venue to allow groups to work in relative privacy. Divide the youth group in...
This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...
Tangle (Royal Rangers Romania)
Break the group into 2 teams of 3 players. The players of each team will be tied up together by their...
Lifesavers Relay
1) At youth group, break everyone into three teams. If you are at a camp and have a group system,...
Matt Ball
The two bases are at opposite ends (much like the distance of a basketball court). Each base has one...
Milk Jug Lacrosse
Each person has a milk jug. There are no boundaries set. Each team has a goal they are to...
Giant Dutch Blitz
1. Each team puts 8 cards in a discard pile with the top card facing up. 2. That leaves 12 cards “in handâ€...
The Stories of Your Names
Divide group into smaller groups (3-4 people). Give each group 1 sheet of paper and a pencil. Write every person's...
Action Netball
You get 2 chairs sitting on the opposite ends of the playing area. Then you separate your group into 2 teams....
Monsters inc. (sully says)
Works very similar to Simon says or just as a fun way of keeping everyone warm without the sully...
Category Chaos
This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...
Make A Volcano: Chemistry
In a tall jug (clear is best) put in 100ml of vinegar and drop in a TBSN of baking...
Atlas Shrugged
1. Split your group into 2-4 teams. Each team has a Frisbee and an end zone. 2. They start in the...
Charades is a classic family game of acting and guesses. It's been around for a fair while but we'll...
Sneaky Rope Battle
This is a two player battle game, perfect for a one-on-one duel or up the front challenge. Place the...
Poisonous stump
Want your friends to fall into the poison zone? Then this is the perfect game for you! Get ready...
Chalk Street Art Challenge
Divide kids into teams and hand out plenty of good quality sidewalk chalk. Explain their challenge is to come...
Christmas Gift Giving
Live out the focus of Christmas by working together to give gifts to others in need