Get to know you games
Similar to ice breaker games, "get to know you games" are games that help kids mingle and find out a little bit about each other. It might be a game that simply introduces names, or it might go deeper.
These games are great for breaking the ice and helping new kids feel welcomed.
Name Bingo
This is probably one of the oldest and most well known icebreakers. It's also known as "People Bingo" and...
Mix & Meet
This is a really fun and simple (and yummy) small group get to know you game. Get each person...
Shoe Talk
Often at the start of a youth camp or youth group year there are many people who don't know...
Remember Me?
Get your two teams to mingle together for a couple of minutes, and introduce themselves to each other. The...
Two Truths And A Tale
For this great get to know you game, each person must make three statements about themselves, one of which...
Speed Dating With a Twist
Set up the chairs in two circles, a small circle and a larger circle outside of that. Make sure...
Never Have I Ever
Hold out 5 fingers (well, 4 and your thumb) Go around the circle and one at a time, each person announces...
True False Run
The group stands in the middle of a room (or if outside, between two markers eg cones). one wall...
Mute Organisation
Simply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth-date. Only catch: no talking. Once they...
Penny For Your Thoughts
Each kid gets a coin. When asked, they share something significant that happened to them the year the coin...
Where The Wind Blows
Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and one person is in the middle. The person in the middle...
Icebreaker Questions
A great way to help people open up to each other is to ask them fun questions that allow...
The Toaster Game
Everyone sits in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a toaster. Put a piece of bread...
Mix & Mingle
This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amoungst a big...
Mingle Mingle Mingle
This is a good youth group game to get kids mingling together and to help kids to get to...
I Tell A Lie
The object of this small group ice breaker game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group...
Get To Know You Hey!
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Get To Know You Bang" This is the "get to know...
Table Topics
This is an excellent ice breaker activity in it's simplest form! If you haven't heard of "Table Topics" before,...
Talkin Bout Your Generation
Played this game in a fairly large youth group but could work for smaller groups too! If you are...
What If?
You give each person the two pieces of paper. Tell them to write on one piece a random question...
Snowball Fight
This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...
Remember Everything
This get to know you game is best played in a smaller group of around 10 or so people. If...
Question Circle Rotate
This is a fantastic "get to know you" game. Split the kids into two groups - tell one group...
Who Are You?
Each person gets a piece of paper and a pen. They need to write down their name and three...