Relaxed games
What If?
You give each person the two pieces of paper. Tell them to write on one piece a random question...
Zip Zap Boing
Rules are simple. Everyone stands in a circle and one person starts the throwing. If you throw the ball...
Remember Everything
This get to know you game is best played in a smaller group of around 10 or so people. If...
Snowball Fight
This is a great fun get to know you game. It works well as an ice breaker game and...
Giver Or Taker
Everyone sits in a circle like playing "duck, duck, goose!" the leader reads a story. Through out the story...
Fruit Surgery
This game is best played in teams of three or less. Each team will get a fruit item (banana,...
Spot The Difference
Divide your group into two teams. Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second...
Paper Telephone
Ok, so we all remember the kids game telephone, where the person at the front of the line whispers...
Wiz Bang Bounce
Its as if you have an invisible ball you are passing around the circle. there are a few different...
Human What's Missing?
This is a great game for learning names and getting used to each other. It's based on the whats...
Feet Pictionary
Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...
Sitting Soccer
Objective/Rules: Score the soccer ball on one end of the line WITHOUT letting one's back-side leave the chair....
Stretchy Snakes
Each person is given a lolly snake. They have a time limit to make the longest snake by stretching...
Who Am I?
Give everyone in the group a piece of paper and pen, then get them to write down three facts...
Personalities in Names
1. Each person will get a piece of paper and a pencil/pen. 2. Write down your name vertically down the...
This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...
This game works a lot like psychiatrist but has it's own twist and humor. Start out by having one...
Doggy Doggy Who's Got Your Bone?
This is a classic kids party game and is great fun especially for a group of junior youth kids....
Pass the Parcel
Pass the Parcel is a classic kid's party game and can be played on many different occasions - at...
Ways to Play Uno
Basically, this is a collection of different ways you can play Uno. For those who don't know, Uno is...
What Are the Odds?
This is an excellent game for groups of daring youth. It's a bit hard to explain, but it is...
Bippity Bop-Bop
1) Everyone arranges themselves in a circle. One person is picked to be in the center. 2) That person will walk...
App Snap
1. Make sure everyone in the group knows each others phone numbers, or at least has a group chat set...
Screaming Toes
This is a very simple Game, maybe good for a time filler. Form a tight circle facing inwards. Everyone...
The Stories of Your Names
Divide group into smaller groups (3-4 people). Give each group 1 sheet of paper and a pencil. Write every person's...
The Invisible Ball
This game might sound weird but I have never played with people who didn't like it. It is a...
Bible Verse Pictograms
This is a great game to help kids remember a bible verse or passage. It can be played with...
This game is super simple but loads of fun. It's actually based on an old obscure board game but...
Category Chaos
This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...
Newspaper Memory Verse Shuffle
Break the group into even teams and provide each group with some newspaper pages, a pair of scissors, some...
Now That's What I Call Latin
This can be done with team Vs. Team, or everyone Vs. everyone. Go to google translate, and translate any...
Toilet Paper Tell Me
A get to know you game that involves players sharing facts about themselves depending on how much toilet paper...
Beanbag Toss
Mark a line and then arrange a collection of targets a few metres away. The targets could be buckets,...
Button Pick n' Sort
Perfect for a minute-to-win-it challenge, this game pits players against each other in a game of hand skills. Each...
Chalk Memory Verses
Firstly, ensure there's a plentiful supply of colourful sidewalk chalk for everyone to access. Then encourage the kids (individually...
Chalk Street Art Challenge
Divide kids into teams and hand out plenty of good quality sidewalk chalk. Explain their challenge is to come...
Pin the Tail on the Donkey
No matter what you're pinning on what, this classic kids party game is sure to provide a laugh.
Christmas Gift Giving
Live out the focus of Christmas by working together to give gifts to others in need
This fast thinking game designed for youth group video calls is perfect for providing a laugh for any sized...