Relaxed games for team building
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
This icebreaker youth group game is a cross between pictionary, sculptionary and charades. Firstly come up with a list...
Speed Dating With a Twist
Set up the chairs in two circles, a small circle and a larger circle outside of that. Make sure...
Mute Organisation
Simply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth-date. Only catch: no talking. Once they...
Shoe Shuffle
Get the group to take off their right shoe. Then throw all the shoes in a big pile in...
The Tangled Chain
Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone...
Four on the Couch
Object: To have only your gender sitting on the couch. Set-Up: If you don't have a couch large enough...
Lost on a Deserted Island
"The situation is dire - following a shipwreck, everyone has been stranded on a deserted island! Each person is...
Blind Man's Journey
Sometimes i just can't work out why kids like some games, but my younger group LOVES this game. Blindfold...
Swamp Crossing
Divide group into two teams. Give each team 3 "rocks" (construction paper cutouts about 1 1/2' x 1 1/2'). Make a start...
The classic game of Mastermind works well when solved as a whole group. The whole group must work together...
Tic Tac Toe
Set up 9 chairs like a noughts and crosses board. Form two teams and direct questions to alternate teams. If...
Bible Rap-Off
Create two groups of as many as possible and give them a long bible verse each. Tell the two...
Family Feud
This is simply the old TV game revisited. Central to this game is a list of questions and survey...
Divide your group into 2 teams. Each person writes the name of a well known person they would like to...
Celebrity Articulate
If you've ever played the famous board game "Articulate" then you'll love this game. It usually is easier to...
This game is called "Creationary" and works in a similar way to pictionary and sculptionary. You'll need a random...
Simple Word Games
There are many simple word games you can find at the website listed. Some of them can be played...
The Ultimate Quiz
Divide the group into teams of between 5 and ten people (If you are running a camp with small groups,...
Zip Zap Boing
Rules are simple. Everyone stands in a circle and one person starts the throwing. If you throw the ball...
Spot The Difference
Divide your group into two teams. Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second...
Fruit Surgery
This game is best played in teams of three or less. Each team will get a fruit item (banana,...
Feet Pictionary
Set Up: - Divide the whole group into 2 teams, based on sides of the room. Any size youth group...
Sitting Soccer
Objective/Rules: Score the soccer ball on one end of the line WITHOUT letting one's back-side leave the chair....
This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups. Have the players sit in...
The Stories of Your Names
Divide group into smaller groups (3-4 people). Give each group 1 sheet of paper and a pencil. Write every person's...
Category Chaos
This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of...
Chalk Street Art Challenge
Divide kids into teams and hand out plenty of good quality sidewalk chalk. Explain their challenge is to come...
Christmas Gift Giving
Live out the focus of Christmas by working together to give gifts to others in need