No prep camp games
Captain's Orders
This game is excellent for a competitive group. It tires everyone out really quickly and can provide a good...
Matthew Mark Luke John
Each person has a chair. Put 4 chairs in a row (or use a couple couches), the rest in a...
True False Run
The group stands in the middle of a room (or if outside, between two markers eg cones). one wall...
Rock Paper Scissors
In the middle of the playing field set up 2 long lines with a bout 1 - 2 metres to divide them....
Stuck in the Mud
In stuck in the mud, one person is "it". when they touch someone, that person is "frozen" in place....
Mafia is a classic campfire game played at many youth camps, summer camps and scout camps before. In some...
14 Jan 2022 - This is an updated version of "Bang!" Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The...
1. Choose one person to be the "Danger Alert" or choose an adult or a group leader or something. Give...
What Are the Odds?
This is an excellent game for groups of daring youth. It's a bit hard to explain, but it is...
Poisonous stump
Want your friends to fall into the poison zone? Then this is the perfect game for you! Get ready...