Simulation games
Have the entire group sit in a circle; a room with couches and chairs are fine, as long as...
French Vs English
First off I wanted to say that this is probably one of my all time favourite youth group games....
Family Feud
This is simply the old TV game revisited. Central to this game is a list of questions and survey...
This simulation game is a great one to play on a youth camp. It involves a lot of running...
Human Battleships
One of my favourite things is taking something normal and making it life-size. The game of battleships is great...
Talkin Bout Your Generation
Played this game in a fairly large youth group but could work for smaller groups too! If you are...
Giant Pick Up Sticks
So you've all heard of pick-up sticks right? The game where you get a pile of multi-coloured sticks all...
Rescue Relay
Preparation: 1. Tie each life saving device (we used empty cordial bottles) to a separate rope 2. Set out a start...
Don't Let The Witch Get You!
You need to assign participants to play the witch, the mother, and the babysitter or oldest child. Assign the...
Alien Invasion
1) Give ten players a glowstick for the game, which they will wear around their wrists. Obviously, the game is...
Don't Blink
Overview: Time to embrace my inner nerd! This is a game based off a certain British science fiction TV...
Charlie's Candy
This game is based on the great children's movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." You're going to need a...
Reformation - The Wide Game
This is a wide game that we played on our last youth camp. It should run for a couple...
Extreme Event
Players work together to make decisions and solve problems during an engaging, fast-paced disaster simulation. The game facilitator reads...
Make A Volcano: Chemistry
In a tall jug (clear is best) put in 100ml of vinegar and drop in a TBSN of baking...