Top ten water games
When the weather gets hot, the best idea is to play games that will cool you down with water! We list our top ten favourite youth group water games. These games are ideal for playing in warm weather when the participants are keen to get wet.
10. Water Sponge
A team of players uses sponges to collect water and fill up a bucket as quick as they can.
9. Fishing for Marbles
Players use their feet to fish for marbles in a bucket of icy cold water!
8. Alka Seltzer Waterfight

A creative spin on a traditional water fight using a dissolvable tablet as the "health level" of a player.
7. Bucket Balance
A challenging game of skill, team work and tactics. Can you avoid getting wet?
6. Tug of Water War!
Play tug of war with a pool of water in the middle so the losers will get wet!
5. Human Target
A great way to include an educational/learning spin on a game using water.
4. Water Bomber

Keep it simple with this classic game where players throw water bombs at each other to eliminate them from the game.
3. Water Balloon Dodgeball
The name says it all - play dodgeball using waterballoons so not only do players get out, they get wet too!
2. Capture the Flag
There are a miriad of different ways to play this classic wide game and playing it using water balloons is one of the best. Perfect for a youth camp wide game, playing Capture the Flag with water on a hot day is ideal.
1. Drip Drip Drop
A fantastic twist on the classic game of duck duck goose, this water game is easy to explain and fun to play.