Different ways to play rock paper scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors (or Paper, Scissors, Rock!?) (or Scissors, Paper, Rock?!) is an all-time classic game. It's universally known and loved, it's easy to pick up and it only requires two people to play. If you're interested in changing things up from the original, it's time to try one of the alternate versions we've collected on Youth Group Games.
These rock paper scissor game variants are great for large groups and are relatively easy to explain, because the core rules of the game are already known by most players.
Rock Paper Scissors
In the middle of the playing field set up 2 long lines with a bout 1 - 2 metres to divide them....
Rock Paper Dragon
This game is great as an icebreaker and our group did it the first night of a youth confrence....
Human Paper Scissors Rock
This game is a variation of normal paper scissors rock. I'm going to assume you know how that one...
Rock Paper Scissors Evolution
This game is a fantastic group mixer ice breaker activity. Players must wander around the room and battle each...
Giants, Wizards, and Elves
Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock,...
Rock Paper Anything
This game could work really well as an "up the front duel" type of game or as an "all...
Divide the group in two and from each group choose two players who will directly compete. These players stay...