Top Ten Circle Games
When meeting in a small group at youth group, church, scout meets or simply a gathering of friends, you'll often be sitting around in some sort of circle. This gives the perfect opportunity to play game, and that is where the term "Circle Game" is coined.
We love circle games - so we've put together our top ten list of all our favourites.
10. Matthew Mark Luke John
An absolutely fantastic circle game - this one involves clapping to a beat and remembering your ever-changing number. Especially great for a youth camp session around a fire.
9. Four on the Couch
This a strategic battle circle game which pits two teams (usually boys and girls) against each other. It is as addictive as it is fun and I would highly recommend this for any larger group. Kids take on alter-egos using the names of others and try to move people around to get all four people from their team on "the couch".
8. Hypocrisy
What better way to create chaos than to allow players to make up rules as they go. This one is a load of laughs and will get more and more complicated as it continues. Good for a late night youth group session.
7. Tap
A simple game that involves tapping to pass to players around a circle. Can provide plenty of laughs and sometimes confusing fun!
6. The Invisible Ball
Another strategic circle game with a creative twist - we love this one because it gives kids a chance to come up with clever signs and provides a good challenge for everyone involved. Essentially - kids pass an invisible ball around the circle using secret signs while the person in the middle tries to work it out.
5. Pass the Parcel
A classic circle game generally used at kids parties - Pass the Parcel is timeless! Be sure to include fun presents so each player can enjoy a surprise as they unwrap.
4. Families
This circle game is always a big hit as it allows kids to come up with a funny alter-ego name and provides plenty of opportunities for laughing. Kids must try to match other players with the big list of fake names - a good test of wit and memory!
3. Poetry in Motion
A great circle game for youth groups which give kids an opportunity to be creative. Kids take turns to add a line to lots of different poems and pass them round the circle. Always lots of laughs when they're read out at the end.
2. Animal Noise Game
We always love a game that makes everyone be a little bit silly. The "Animal Noise Game" is certainly a very silly circle game that works well for all ages - another reason why we love it. Players make up animal noises and actions and must quickly repeat each others noises and actions to pass "it" around.
1. Never Have I Ever
This is one of the easiest circle games to play and works with kids of all ages. It also doubles a good get to know you ice breaker game too. The person in the middle shouts out things they haven't done and everyone who has done them has to get up and move around while the person in the middle finds a seat.