Top ten bible verse memory games
Our top ten bible verse memory games are all creative ways to introduce a new memory passage to your youth group, or to keep it fresh in the minds by playing a game with it.
10. Biblical Detectives

Create a scavenger hunt using bible verses.
9. Bible Quiz
Ask a selection of questions about a bible passage to challenge the comprehension and memory of your youth.
8. Bible Drill
Quickest player to find a passage in the bible wins.
7. Jigsaw Puzzle
Create a large jigsaw puzzle with the bible passage or verse on it and get kids to piece it all together as a race.
6. Balloon Pop

Group members use pins or darts to pop balloons with each revealing a new word to help form the complete bible memory verse.
5. Cryptograms
A clever way to introduce a memory verse to kids who like a challenging puzzle to solve.
4. Bible Verse Pictograms
Children must re-create a bible verse using only pictures and icons.
3. Bible Rap-Off
Groups or individuals compete to create a memorable rap for a bible verse.
2. Memory Verse Basketball
Kids score basketball goals to earn words so they can piece together the memory verse.
1. Bop It
Each group member must recite a specific word of the bible verse when they are "bopped" on the head.