Giant Bowling
An active, duel, sports game for large groups
- Play anywhere
- Multiple Teams
- Quick (5 - 15 mins)
- Under $20
- Some Mess
- Active
- Mini-Olympics
- Duel
- Sports
- Large Groups
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How To Play Giant Bowling
Materials Needed
giant exercise ball, skittles / bowling pins
This is a simple game, but can be great fun for a mini-olympics style event.
Basically, set up a giant size bowling alley in a large area - it could be anywhere! We use our carpark and draw lines using chalk to mark out the allery.
Each player from the team gets chance to bowl the ball down the alley and knock over as many pins as possible.
To add in some extra challenge-ness to the game, players can line up down the sides of the alley and are allowed to kick or push the ball if it comes near them. However, it might be a good idea to limit the number of times they can do this (ie 1 or 2) and make sure they can only do it in one direction (ie forwards).
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on 24 October 2007
So, I'm in youth group, going into 8th grade, and I think the chair idea is awesome! Just the thought of being pushed on a chair, it's an awesome thought!
i know right cracked some one in the face hahahaha lol
We also had a good time using the kids as the pins. One team bowls while the other stands in as pins. If they are hit they can 'fall' onto the ground in a way that protects their team members still standing, provided they want to risk getting hit by the ball.
We do a large one like this but we us the kids as the bowling ball. We put them on an office chair (you know the ones with wheels) and then we push them down the ally. It is awesome fun. We do make them wear protective gear just in case, though nothing has ever happened.
At camp, we used to use an earth ball and roll it down a big hill towards people, who were the pins. :)
The frozen chicken is definately the way to go. The cheap plastic pins you can get in toy stores work well.
We used the frozen chicken too. Ergh!
We once used 1.25l soft drink bottles and a frozen chicken as the ball. i thought it was gross but the youth loved it. haha
Hey this idea got my brain going!! Why not use an earthball and really make a giant bowling game? What would you use for pins, though?
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