Drip Drip Drop
A relaxed, water, icebreaker game for junior youth
- Play anywhere
- Cooperative
- Standard (15 - 45 mins)
- No cost
- No Mess
- Relaxed
- Water
- Icebreakers
- Junior
- Circle
Added by
Greg Robertson
How To Play Drip Drip Drop
Materials Needed
Plastic cup, water
Kind like duck duck goose but with water.
Everyone sits in a circle and the game begins just like duck duck goose except the persion who is "it" walks around the circle and drips water on everyone's head from a cup while saying "drip, drip, drip etc". (works best if you have the youth leader fill the cup!!)
One poor unsuspeting person gets "drop" and the cup of water is tipped over their head. the person who cops the water now chases the 'dripper' back to their spot (just like in duck duck goose). If the wet victim tags the dripper they then get a free shot with a cup of water at the person who poured the water over them.
We play this youth group icebreaker game inside regularly in our youth room. It's great and really there's not that much water involved (as long as the youth leader is putting water in the drippers cup)!
Added by
Greg Robertson
on 13 March 2008
Add a commentWe played this at camp it is such i fun game it was like 100 degrees so it felt great
love drip drip drop i play it at camp evreyday im soked at the end of the day
Im a youth and i played this game at camp- with a twist! we used relish! haha really stinky but fun, funny, and sure to instigate many laughs! :-)
that is a very good game!i like it!
We played this last Friday night when the weather was boiling hot all day (39ish). All the kids loved this game. Was such good fun!
Love it!
Doing this tonight
I thnk drip drip drop is the best game in the hole wide world
i thnnk that was a wonderful idea for a game it adds excitement to duck duck goose
a good game good for summer i played it while we were at the pool and it rocked