Pool Noodle Duel

An active, duel, camp game for small groups

How To Play Pool Noodle Duel

Materials Needed

Two blind fold (tea towels)
One pool noodle

Two people face off in a pool noodle duel whilst both blind folded. One person is the defender and the other the attacker. Both stand facing each other with about half a meter distance between them. The attacker says "Wanna duel?!" and the defender must respond with "Bring it on!"

As soon as the defender has spoken the attacker can now strike his first blow and attempt to hit the defender. The defender however is allowed to move which ever way to avoid any blows.

We play a 3 hits / 5 minute game rule, where the game can take a maximum of 3 hits or 5 minutes. Once the game is over you swap sides.

Best set up would be a group of around 30 people max with all of them creating a circle in which the two players face off. The duel becomes hilarious when the attacker cannot find the defender and hits spectators. It is ideal for everyone t stay absolutely quiet.

Added by
Gus Johannes
on 7 December 2021


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That is such a great modification @Ryan. Bro you are an anointed youth leader, what a wise way to tie in biblical truth. Well done.

Posted by Joey 2 years ago

Great idea! Gave me a starting point for my (newest) favorite game - with a Scriptural tie-in. Here's how I modified it:

We had one attacker and one defender. The attacker was blindfolded. The defender was given a small-ish sofa cushion - but could see. We spun the attacker around 3 (or more!) times. He was expected to find and hit the defender on the body three times in three minutes. The spectators formed a circle around the attacker and defender. As we were blindfolding the attacker, we handed out playing cards to the spectators to divvy them into teams. Red for the attackers; black for the defenders. Without revealing what team they were on, the attacker's allies (red team) were supposed to aid the attacker in finding the defender. The defender's allies (black team) were to shout purposely misleading directions/information.

It was loud, it was chaotic, it was a blast.

Scriptural tie-in: With so many voices in the culture shouting so many different things - and most of the loudly - how do we know who to trust? God's Word gives us that firm foundation.

Posted by Ryan 3 years ago
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