Glowstick Grab

An active, team-building, wide, night game

How To Play Glowstick Grab

Materials Needed

Glow Sticks

Divide the youth into teams of 5-8 people. You will need 6-7 glowsticks per team, in as many colours as there are teams; but make sure each team has the same amount. Choose one person to take the glowsticks and hide them around the church.

Each team chooses one person to be their glowstick king/queen who will choose a spot to hide and wait for the other team-mates to bring him or her their glowsticks.

The leaders will be the “taggers” and will walk around trying to find and tag the youth. If someone is tagged the leader will put a mark on their hand with a marker and he or she will have to go back to a central meeting spot (starting point of game where glowsticks should not be hidden) to get the mark crossed off with another mark, and if the tagged youth has a glowstick, they will have to surrender it to the leader to be re-hidden.

Each youth cannot carry more than one glowstick at a time, although if they are being chased, they are allowed to pass it back and forth.

Once a team's king/queen has all of the glowsticks from that team, they must take them back to the central meeting spot, without getting tagged. At this point they may carry more than one glowstick.

Leaders are also not allowed to puppy-guard outside of any room, they must be moving around.

Added by
on 22 July 2021


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Can and Kings/Queens be tagged and if so what happens?

Posted by michael 3 years ago

The leaders walk around tagging the youth. If they tag the youth, they put a mark on the youth's hand, and take away any glowsticks the youth may be carrying, to go re-hide them. The youth must now return to the central meeting area to have the mark crossed off their hand and do a task such as 10 jumping jacks, or rub your belly and pat your head (sorry I forgot that part in the original description), which the one or two leaders who stay in that room will choose.

Posted by peggy 3 years ago

Hi Bob, there is no difference between a Glowstick King and Queen. When I originally posted the game it was called Diamond Lord, not glowstick grab, and the glowstick king or queen was called the Diamond Lord. Each team has a Diamond Lord. Each team has different coloured glowsticks, like one team is red, one is purple, and about 6 or 7 glowsticks for each team. The Diamond Lord chooses one place to sit and hide, and everyone in his team knows he is there. When a team member finds a glowstick, they take it to their Diamond Lord, and once he has all of the glowsticks (teams must know how many they're looking for), he takes them back to the central meeting spot without being tagged. If he is tagged the glowsticks are rehidden. Other people from his team may accompany him to the meeting spot, and at this point in the game, they may carry more than one glowstick with them.

Posted by peggy 3 years ago

Can you give more details, this sounds fun but it's not clear how it works. Are the glow sticks color-coded, whats difference between King/queen (do they hid or move) and the leader.

Posted by Bob 3 years ago
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