Ultimate Ninja

An active icebreaker no prep game for small groups

How To Play Ultimate Ninja

Materials Needed

Nothig - just yourselves and your reflexes!

The group stands in a circle and nominates someone to start. 3 - 2 - 1 ULTIMATE NINJA! Everyone has to start with a ninja pose position.

Going clockwise, the person whose turn it is must try and hit someone's hand, either to the left or the right of them. BUT - they must freeze still in the position that they end up in. (That is the important part).
You are not allowed to move from your ninja pose unless:
1 - Someone is trying to hit you
2 - It is your turn.

Keep going round until eventually one person is left standing as the winner and the ultimate ninja!


NO FLINCHING! If you are anticipating that the person whose turn it is will go for you, you must NOT FLINCH but freeze until they try to hit you (in which case you must obviously try and move out the way).
If you flinch, you must stand upright and put both your hands out in front of you at a 90 degree angle (Like a meerkat pose!).

This game is awesome. We have managed to play it all over Europe on mission to various youth and they love it!

Added by
on 1 July 2011


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This is one of my favourite games ever.
We played it at a youth activity and started in one room. But then everyone started using their turns to open doors and the game leaked into the hallway lol

Posted by Hylian Ninja 3 years ago

When your it, say something calmly and everyone else freaks

Posted by 13 years ago

We play this at camp! It's even more fun when you add sound effects!!!

Posted by Mandy 13 years ago

I love this game! I played it all the time at camp and school. But we just called it "ninja". Asians ROCK!! :)

Posted by Sammy 13 years ago


(you yell it when someone flinches...)

Posted by Stephen 13 years ago
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