The Clobberin' Game

An active game

How To Play The Clobberin' Game

Materials Needed

1 x rolled up news paper (wrapped in tape works best)

So this one works great for my lot of kids, might not work for all though.

Every one sits on chairs in a large circle except for one 'it' player who is armed with the rolled up new paper.

The 'it' player chooses one person of the group and has to run and try and hit them, that chosen person has to yell the name of another player before they get hit or they are then 'it'. the 'it' player must then try and hit the person who was called out. And it continues like so.

My kids love it, but you just have to be carefull the bigger older boys dont over do it with the force they hit with. It's a great fun game and if done right you won't come away too sore.

Added by
on 26 September 2012


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Sounds like fun but I would use more of a tag instead of a paper roll or ball.

Posted by me 6 years ago

I did a variation of this that sort of implemented dodgeball....
the "it" person has a ball and they call out a persons name and count to 3. The target has to name another person before "3" or they're "clbbered"
The "it" player stands in the middle and must remain staitonary.

Posted by Brian 12 years ago
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