Table Climbing
A mini-olympics relaxed duel no prep game
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How To Play Table Climbing
Materials Needed
Challenge one of your youthians to climb around a table! It's actually a lot harder than it sounds.
Instruct the volunteer to start on top of the table and then tell them that they must climb onto the bottom of the table on one side and then climb back up to the top from the other side... all without touching the ground.
Make sure they climb across the width of the table, not the length. Then again, if they want something extremely challenging - let them try to climb the length.
A prize can be awarded to first person to complete the challenge, or possibly the fastest challenger.
Obviously you'll need to ensure the table is sturdy and can support the weight of the person and won't unbalance at any stage.
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on 27 September 2007
definately agree, i learned this game only a few years ago, and its still my youth and my mates favourite bbq game! (and we're 22-25)
I think we've all seen people in their late twenties (i.e old enuf to kno much better) still getting a kick out of this game. great game
Good game for boys, especially during free time on a camp or similar. We did this on a Yr 12 study camp and moved a number of tables together to create a course you had to climb through. It became an endurance event and drew a big crowd.
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