Pass the Lifesaver
A mini-olympics team-building duel game for junior youth
- Play anywhere
- Multiple Teams
- Quick (5 - 15 mins)
- Under $20
- No Mess
- Mini-Olympics
- Team Building
- Duel
- Junior
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How To Play Pass the Lifesaver
Materials Needed
Lifesavers & Toothpicks
Give one life saver to each team.
Each member of the team has a toothpick which they keep pursed between their lips (*cough* cough* cigarette style.)
The team stands in a line and the aim of the game is to pass/thread the lifesaver from one person's toothpick to the next toothpick down the line with your hands held behind your backs.
First lifesaver to the end of the team's line wins.
The sturdy cocktail toothpick works better than the flimsy variety.
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on 20 October 2008
Add a commentuse straws then, that works too actually makes it harder...
Are we getting that bad in churches that we won't allow kids to get within 2 toothpicks distance away from each other. With the amount of stuff our youth are bombarded with in the world, if we as youth leaders stop simple games like this because it sends the wrong message the kids, we are in real trouble. We need to make our churches and youth groups a safe place where kids feel comfortable talking and asking questions about sex and dating and such things. It seems a taboo subject in churches, no wonder there is sexual immorality rampant through the world including churches. Almost every new testament book in the bible talks about sexual immorality but we don't teach it or talk about it in churches and youth groups. We are the leaders of the future and we are not equipping our future kids with the skills to teach the next generation. I saw the big discussion on "if you love me honey smile" it almost broke my heart that simple fun games have been turned into a possible "sexual" game.
I'm also concerned about passing things mouth-to-mouth... not because of any potential for "inappropriate" behaviour, but for health reasons.
Skewers always work and you can use like a gummy peach ring or something like that, it helps keep the distance between kids and makes it interesting!
You can always use straws to keep the distance...
I agree toothpicks and life savers are a little much for kids, but you can try STRAWS and a PAPER RING. My girlfriends had the Groomsmen do that at our friends' wedding(: with a paper heart ring lol
Another site I saw said you could use drinking straws and pretzels
Yer toothpicks can be sharp... watch the eyes... maybe also recommend sunglasses... could be funny...
how about using donuts with paddlepop sticks or even cheezels
'holimoli oldy foly hahay jola ola bola hola hola rolatolaaalalallalalalalalallaalla or forget get 8it
hello boys what are you doing and i am new to this club thingymajigy
well you can avoid any 'awkwardness' by having separate boys and girls teams!!
uh...yeah I think I may be in some hot water if we played this game haha.
Its really fun, and if you keep your mind outa the gutter, you and your youth group will be fine! Some guys and girls will get giggly, so what? give the game a try! its loads of fun!!!
(Im 17 and weve played this game @ my church for @ least 5 years now)
I dont' want to sound old, but I don't know if kids should be passing things from mouth to mouth. It sends the wrong message.