
A relaxed, circle, non-contact game for small groups

How To Play Logic

Materials Needed


This is not an active game but it is ideal for any down time such as bus rides, waiting in line, sitting by a camp fire etc. It is a brain teaser/riddle type of game.

1. Tell the group that you are taking a trip (to the moon, camping, whatever).
2. The person who is leading the game creates a reason (only known to them) as to why certain items can or cannot be brought on the trip. For example, my logic could be that only things that start with the letter C can be brought on the trip (again, don't tell the group that).
3. The person leading the game begins by saying, "I'm going to take a ____ (something that corresponds to their logic, such as a Cat.) "I'm going to take a Cat. John, what are you going to take?
3. As you go around the circle or group, each person gets a turn to ask if they can take ____. If John ask if he can take a Backpack, the answer would be no because it doesn't start with the letter C and therefore doesn't correspond to the logic (this is not told to the players until the game is over).
4. Each time someone asks if they can take an item, the leader says "yes you can take a ____ or no you can't take a _____but doesn't explain why.
5. Each time everyone has asked about one item, the leader shares a new item that he can take. This gives the players more opportunities to observe the reason or "why" behind the items.
6. The game can continue until either everyone figures it out, one person figures it out or everyone gives up, depending on how your group wants to play.

Any logic or "why" will work but here are two ideas.

A. People can only take items that begin with the first letter of their name. (Michael can take a map, Susan can take a sword, etc).

B. Someone can only take an item that begins with the letter of the last letter of the last item that was asked about. Meaning, wether someone's last item was denied or accepted, such as- If the leaders' (John) item was a book, the next item would have to begin with the letter k to be accepted. If Mark asked, "can I take a chicken?" the answer would be no. But if the next person (Luke) ask, "can I take a nail?" the answer would be yes because the last word was chicken, and it ends with an N. And the next item would need to start with an L to be accepted.

Added by
on 16 October 2018


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Glad y’all like it! I’d highly encourage you to check out the game “signs” definitely super different than logic but most groups love it.

Posted by Michael 5 years ago

Nice game!

Posted by Rakesh 6 years ago

Nice game.

Posted by rk 6 years ago

Love this game. Our youth group kids are all in the honors class in high school. we need challenging games like logic to get them thinking. They are smart kids that love logic.

Posted by tina 6 years ago

We've been playing another version called "triangle".
The person knowing the logic creates triangles out of randomly selected objects or places in (and outside) the room such as:
"I draw a triangle from that special point on the table, to the moon and to this person's left foot."
"Who does it belong to?"

The logic behind is: It always belongs to the person that starts speaking first after the question is asked ;)
Takes a good while until the first ppl understand it and gets more and more hillarious as everybody is trying to get behind the geometry.

To make it harder I'd only take actual objects inside the room.

Posted by Fabio Schäfer 6 years ago

My students loved this game! They really like thinking games like this so let me know if you know of any similar games! Thanks!

Posted by Jeremiah Moore 6 years ago
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