Generation Jeopardy

A team-building icebreaker music game for large groups

How To Play Generation Jeopardy

Materials Needed

White Board, time

Basically this is a fun game of Jeopardy. I went through and picked 5 topics that I thought our students and leaders would know (tv shows, cartoon characters, music, celebrities, and toys) that would have been made or shown since 2000, things that are from the childhoods of many of the students. Next I wrote out the "questions" in the style of Jeopardy (This tv show was about the comic misadventures of a 13-year-old whose alter ego was a cartoon.) I organized the questions to fit into the categories then arranged them to fit into a point "prize" (200, 400, 600, 800, or 1000).

The night of the game, I split up our students and leaders. I had freshmen and sophomores sitting at one table; juniors and seniors at another table; adults/leaders at the last table. Then I picked a topic for a certain amount of points and we started the game.

To make it better so that it was evenly fair, I spaced a table about 6 feet away from each table and they had to run to it if they had the answer, but it had to be the same person the entire time.

The winning table got Goldfish (crackers) as their prizes.

Added by
on 7 February 2014

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