Category Chaos

A team-building, relaxed, icebreaker game for small groups

How To Play Category Chaos

Materials Needed

Paper, pens

This game can be played as individuals or in teams. Each player (or team) will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to write with.

Players must divide their paper into 6 columns. At the top of each column, they'll need to write the six categories that are chosen. These should be chosen by the leader in advance. We've provided some great category examples at the bottom of this game page.

To start the game, a random letter from the alphabet is chosen and a one minute timer is started. All players must fill out their page as quickly as possible by coming up with a word that starts with the designated letter for each category. Once one player has a word for all six categories, or the time is up, all players must stop writing.

The scoring phase involves each player reading out the word they came up with for each particular category. Progress through each category, one at a time. If a player comes up with a word that no one else has written down, they get a point. If another player has written down the same word, then no points are given. If no word was written down, then no points are given. Other players may challenge a word if they believe it doesn't fit the category or is made-up. A majority vote may be cast to decide after evidence is given. (This can actually be a really fun part of the game)

- Boys name
- Girls name
- Job title
- Colour
- Fruit
- Vegetable
- Country
- Animal
- Movie
- Celebrity



Added by
on 2 April 2020

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